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venkersteell t1_ja34o2j wrote

I think they shut them down during winter months.


a-german-muffin t1_ja3jqtp wrote

OP’s not talking about the fountains in the Oval (which yeah, shut down in the winter) but the tiered ones astride the steps themselves, which haven’t been run in decades. A thread from a few years ago said it’s because of plumbing issues.


therealsteelydan t1_ja3tsej wrote

All fountains have plumbing issues. The real reason is that they're owned and maintained by the city and the city doesn't care to pay for them.


AbsentEmpire t1_ja8qa7a wrote

Yep this is the reason.

There are a lot of inactive fountains all over the city in various parks that haven't been turned on in decades, all because the city doesn't give a shit about them and puts in no effort to maintain them.