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z7q2 t1_j7kcj1g wrote

PROTIP: also wear black socks and crocs

Give 'em something to remember.


TeaLover315 t1_j7kcq9o wrote

Why are you taking out the garbage? Just eat it like usual


Zhuul t1_j7kdevf wrote

Pretty sure nobody’s even gonna notice you tbh


Moose2157 t1_j7kdopr wrote

Bit overdressed for the occasion, but if you want to strut about like the proverbial cock of the walk, who am I to judge.


WhiskyIsMyYoga t1_j7kdyrn wrote

A single sock seems sufficient if you’re of the male persuasion. You need to dress to the occasion.


uptown_gargoyle t1_j7kekjd wrote

do it. nobody else on earth will give it even a tenth as much thought as you already have


Full_Artichoke_8583 t1_j7kernj wrote

You’re not showing more than one would see at the beach. Go for it! 🏖️


dtcstylez10 t1_j7kf3nm wrote

It's Philly. As far as the worst thing you could see in Philly on a daily basis, I'm rather certain this doesn't break top 100 (or bottom 100?)


Fattom23 t1_j7kfcyk wrote

As long as the trash is in enclosed bags (not that Trader Joe's shit), you're cool.


majidAmeenah t1_j7kh0p9 wrote

as long as there aren’t any impressionable children do as you please
