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OP t1_ja8cuuy wrote

Really maddening article about the state of sidewalks. Kenney ran on a promise to improve sidewalks and yet did very little on the issue

Particularly moving is a video shot from the perspective of somebody commuting to work at Jefferson hospital via wheelchair - the woman who got paralyzed from a stray bullet at Hancock Park in Fishtown last year. Even little stuff like a hose across the sidewalk left by a construction crew can block the sidewalk for somebody in a wheelchair, and force them to go into the street to get around obstacles


t1_ja8s9eu wrote

Kenney ran on a promise to improve sidewalks and yet did very little on the issue, pretty much describes his entire term

But a little less snarky and more on topic, I personally didn't realize how bad of shape the sidewalks are in until I started pushing a stroller around. Contractor's who close off sidewalks without the pedestrian chute should be fined out of existence.


t1_jaa44h6 wrote

I don't understand how almost every single work site I see completely commandeers sidewalks without any repercussions. I'm not even surprised when I see it. Can't the city hire a single person to go around fining the shit out of people?


t1_jab1t7u wrote

I had 36 email chain with my council person who brought in someone senior at the streets department (maybe head engineer?) about this on my block. The dude even came to see it and said “I gave them a hard time and told them not to block the sidewalk anymore”. Reader, you will be shocked to learn that nothing changed.


t1_jab5b5w wrote

Same here. I for weeks I begged to anyone listening to please ask a construction company, to not force children (going to a k-8 school) to go through an active construction zone. Took about 2 weeks for anyone to do anything…but the construction guys are still parking their trucks blocking the crosswalks completely. Once they left about 12” for kids, strollers and handicapped to get through (the other sidewalk was closed off for construction)! Near my work that company insists on blocking the crosswalk to my building, plus both of our exits are constantly blocked off by construction vehicles, equipment and materials (both for new and waste). They’ve expanded well beyond their “110 feet” of sidewalk, according to the permit, it’s disgusting (because of the waste) and dangerous (because peds and cyclists don’t know what to do). The city would make so much money going around and fining them; but no one thinks it’s wrong until someone dies.


t1_jab70fk wrote

I think everyone on both the political and administrative side of things here has an extremely apologetic attitude towards things like blocking sidewalks, intersections, etc..


t1_jaeld7y wrote

>Can't the city hire a single person to go around fining the shit out of people?

I think that's the problem, they legit have 4 inspectors assigned to right of way issues for the entire city. The odds of being flagged by one of them is probably similar to the odds of playing the lottery and losing.


t1_jaenl4s wrote

That doesn't make any sense, these dudes would pay for themselves in like a day of working


t1_ja93hnh wrote

I used a cart to pick up a catering order for my office and damn near rattled my teeth out of my skull, the sidewalks in center city are shockingly bad in spots


t1_jacjkkt wrote

The city should just fix them and bill the property owners. If they don't pay put a lein on the property. Problem solved.


OP t1_ja9hnhl wrote

To my shame it's something that I never really thought about, the video they posted was extremely eye opening


t1_ja9tw6q wrote

eh, nothing shameful about not understanding something if you haven't experienced it, especially something as seemingly trivial as a sidewalk


t1_ja9xmxo wrote

Not something I thought about much until I started nursing and was exposed to way more people who used wheelchairs/walkers/canes to move. It's really horrendous.


t1_ja9oxyr wrote

>Contractor's who close off sidewalks without the pedestrian chute should be fined out of existence.

Hear, hear. at the very least be properly marked at eye level -- I feel like even that's only happening ~30% of the time.


t1_ja9yin6 wrote

Yeah, even if you're not on wheels but are relying on a cane or crutches or a walking boot they can be really treacherous in places. Nearly wiped out a couple of times last year when I broke my foot.


t1_jabcbqm wrote

I'll never forget when I was walking my then-infant daughter, we stopped near a building site, and then moments later watched those guys heave some debris out the third floor window and onto the sidewalk, where we would have been.

I started yelling at those guys, saying that we were right here, and they could have hurt us both. I couple of "sorry"s and "my fault"s from them, and then some guy started in about how it was a building site, and we should have known and shouldn't be near it, and man, let's just say it was good that my daughter was pre-verbal.


t1_ja8tec3 wrote

All Kenney did really was get rid of people parking on the sidewalk around city hall.

I think a really easy solution would be to remove the ticket requirement for towing cars on the sidewalk. I think if they loosened it to covering cars blocking ramps and other requirements like they used to tow companies may take advantage and go back to their scummy ways. But parking on the sidewalk is so cut and dry and think removing the ticket requirement would be an easy fix.


t1_ja9358k wrote

I don't think they should have ever put in the ticket requirement for tow companies, but instead start charging them with crimes if caught faking a reason to tow a car (e.g. moving it to a towable spot, the tow truck driver who hid the sign at Broad & Ellsworth construction to tow a car that was then parked there, etc).

Charge a tow truck driver who does a purposely bad tow with grand theft auto and the tow company with extortion (forcing someone to pay if they want their illegally towed car back), and you'll see bad tows evaporate.


t1_jaalxoi wrote

The irony of the tow truck issue is that we got the ticket requirement solely because Johnny Doc got his car towed by a Lew Blum truck and decided to tell Bobby Henon to destroy the industry.

Now I don’t really have any sympathy for the tow companies because they are such bad actors. but that legislation was built out of personal animus and not to help fix much if anything


t1_ja8v4jr wrote

And people putting trees on sidewalks that are too small. My mother in law can’t even fit her walker between the trees and porches on her block and the city won’t make them move and remove the tree, she has to squeeze between cars and go into the street to get to the corner store


t1_ja95mi1 wrote

This piece made my blood boil. I am glad it got front page placement.


t1_jac3d75 wrote

Politicians never have to make good on their promises. It’s all about getting elected/re-elected.