Submitted by PettyAndretti t3_11c072e in philadelphia
Vexithan t1_ja0zzme wrote
No fucking paywalls here, baby!!
avo_cado t1_ja100t2 wrote
That would be a damn shame
Vexithan t1_ja107km wrote
Hopefully the brewery is able to stay or figure out a new, better location. I loved going there when I lived in Roxborough and the beer was always great.
Allemaengel t1_ja12apk wrote
Unrelated question as I'm not familiar with the neighborhood but saw School House Lane mentioned
Anyone know if there was/still is a big old retirement apartment building that mostly wealthy elderly once lived in on that street?
I had a very wealthy aunt that lived on that street in a huge apartment back in the 1970s and 1980s but I never visited her there unfortunately.
flamehead2k1 t1_ja14cid wrote
Also interesting. They have a website not really organized like a news site but you can read their paper!
TooManyDraculas t1_ja15h5n wrote
They'll move, they have good rep and I hear they do good business. Probably end up clustered up in the areas that already have a bunch of Breweries already. Kind of a shame. Not a ton of stuff like that up around East Falls. Friends of mine live up that way and they complain about limited going out options.
AvengedTenfold t1_ja16cqa wrote
Man this would suck, I love Wissahickon
[deleted] t1_ja1754n wrote
buddhadoo t1_ja182of wrote
You're probably thinking of Alden Park apartments way down at the other end of School House Lane, off of Wissahickon Ave. If it was a retirement apartment building at one point it no longer is. I went to school at Philadelphia University and knew a few friends that lived there.
12kdaysinthefire t1_ja18wz7 wrote
Why can’t PECO spend less money and just elevate the entire substation itself. This seem wonky as hell, and the fact that PECO has no comment makes it worse.
Allemaengel t1_ja193kp wrote
Thank you.
I think my mother mentioned Wissahickon actually.
phillybilly t1_ja1gvay wrote
Sucks to rent sometimes
BobanMarjonGo t1_ja1h2mz wrote
Because purchasing new land, demolishing, developing, inspecting, and taxing would make everyone with their hands in the pot too much money to want to think rationally
alphonse_mephest0 t1_ja1hpf5 wrote
If they decide to go outside the city, Conshy needs another business to compete with Conshohocken Brewery. Place hasn't changed since they opened
madamnastywoman t1_ja1modt wrote
No!!!!! Wissahickon has to stay. It’s totally my favorite spot.
melikeybouncy t1_ja1t0v9 wrote
limited going out options??
that place is 5 minutes from Main Street in Manayunk and from Ridge and Midvale in East Falls. I don't think you're going to find more nearby 'going out options' outside of center city.
ReturnedFromExile t1_ja1wxt8 wrote
as a neighbor, I have to say… this fucking blows
[deleted] t1_ja2gq2n wrote
ScienceWasLove t1_ja2jz6n wrote
You would think it would be easy to get actual facts for this story from the owner of the Brewery? Especially if they were selling under duress, no?
[deleted] t1_ja2lo40 wrote
ten-million t1_ja2myis wrote
The hard part is making the beer and building clientele. They'll be alright.
STOPSAUCE69 t1_ja2n0bx wrote
One of my favorites. This would really fucking suck. Saturday and/or Sunday I typically hike Wissahickon and then stop at the brewery for lunch and a beer. 😢
jamin_g t1_ja2p84s wrote
Always add right of first refusal in a lease.
Do people really like their beer? I had A good one.
[deleted] t1_ja2r7vy wrote
Owlbertowlbert t1_ja2rbc9 wrote
yeah but it's nice to have places that you can walk to. main street isn't a nice walk and it takes at least a half hour. wissahickon is right there.
DelcoInDaHouse t1_ja2vegs wrote
Move across the river near Lark.
tigerlotus t1_ja2wbe6 wrote
The challenge will be finding that much space. This brewery has gotten insanely popular and it's packed almost every time I go in there. The main room, the big open warehouse room in the back, the tent outside. Plus they have the space for 2 food trucks to set up in the lot and a ton of parking.
Vexithan t1_ja30e4j wrote
we used to go watch eagles games there before Covid and I remember that back room being filled to the brim. Hopefully they can find a silver lining if they need to move and can find a better space
[deleted] t1_ja356no wrote
aj1337h t1_ja3724k wrote
from an engineering POV there might be different geological attributes at play here. But, on the same end, you can't just move a brewery either.
This will be a hell of a "deal" if I say so myself.
[deleted] t1_ja3lb56 wrote
Krimm240 t1_ja3sk9h wrote
Well fuck, this would suck. I hope nothing happens to the brewery, they definitely can’t move anywhere close
SomeOtherOrder t1_ja3w1j6 wrote
This would fucking suck. Wiss is my favorite spot in the area.
pasnow t1_ja4e19r wrote
In East Falls tho there's mostly only Billy Murphys. A place Cranky Joes is welcoming, but doesn't get many 'newer' Fallsers. Lebus & others are more restaurants. People from EF don't walk to Manayunk, and really Main St isn't quite the same like it was in the 90s & 2000s in terms of foot traffic. With South Philly, Fishtown & NoLibs etc being the 'in' spots for 20 somethings
[deleted] t1_ja4o724 wrote
lordredsnake t1_ja5ft6g wrote
Many people in the area have no interest in the type of offerings on Main Street. Wissahickon Brewery attracts different clientele, including people from across the city who still thumb their nose at the idea of going out in Manayunk.
What are your "going out" options at Ridge & Midvale? There's In Riva and Black Squirrel. I've gotten sick eating mediocre food at LeBus twice and bought moldy bread another time, and it's not exactly a place you'd go to to grab drinks with friends anyway.
lordredsnake t1_ja5gabl wrote
I wouldn't be so sure that they'll move. It will cost them a fortune to move and it will be very difficult to find a comparable space at a comparable price.
lordredsnake t1_ja5gjgn wrote
They have a variety of excellent hazies and their fruited sours are popular.
melikeybouncy t1_ja5m2za wrote
my point is there is a big difference between "there's nothing nearby" and "I don't like the places nearby"
ronreadingpa t1_ja7k9ap wrote
The article isn't clear regarding ownership. My sense is they have a ground lease and own the building, but not the land underneath.
If owner of the brewery truly owns the land, they could be selling under duress as you suggest. However, their seemingly lack of comment suggests otherwise. Hopefully there's a follow up article with more details.
As for PECO, props to them making improvements proactively verses waiting for a flood. Of course, they're not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, but rather as a good business move, which should also improve reliability.
ThaddyG t1_ja9rlmo wrote
The place is consistently packed. It's not my favorite spot, I'm not huge on craft beer and prefer a diviwr atmosphere in my drinking establishments, but it's good for East Falls and I'd hate to see it forced out.
Crazycook99 t1_jaat507 wrote
What’s shitty is the city will allow this to happen because PECO runs this city. Look at every newly paved road within the city limits. PECO will come right behind, rip that road up for their work, half ass repair the trench and flips ya off as they drive away. They do what they want when they want.
Fingers crossed it’s just for a right of way access road
Owlbertowlbert t1_jacybna wrote
can we talk about LeBus for a second? the interior is gorgeous and I want to love it. but whoever is on sautéing of vegetables duty has the heaviest hand with the oil. it's disgusting and has ruined every dish I've gotten.
RoverTheMonster t1_ja0w5a6 wrote
What an interesting way to get news: a Reddit post of a photo (presumably taken w a cell phone) of a printed article