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CattlemensSteakhouse t1_j9h123g wrote

If you cannot physically stop your dog from dragging you like a sled and killing another animal, you have no business owning that dog.


skip_tracer t1_j9h5wou wrote

I wish this was the mindset of more people. I’m not a pit lover or hater, but I love dogs period. Some people just shouldn’t own pets, it’s that simple. My mother has wanted a boarder collie since ours passed 10 years ago, but her and my father are elderly and were ultimately swayed to adopt a Lhasa. No way they could handle a high octane pup anymore.


ruxtpin t1_j9hcdxz wrote

Problem is, I’ve seen people who could stop their dog from doing shit, but don’t because of… who the fuck knows. I gave some asshole in Old City a 10 foot berth when I was running and he still let the leash go wide so his giant dog could jump at me.


TokiWart00th88 t1_j9hemk1 wrote

Don't you tell pit mommies that, society obv is the problem