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[deleted] t1_j9h1t8b wrote


Gabagoo44 t1_j9h5upi wrote

Dogs are genetically predisposed for certain traits because they have been bred that way. It’s why there’s herd dogs, retrievers ect, pit bulls were bred to fight other dogs. You can train them different but that doesn’t mean it’s always going to work.


blinchik2020 t1_j9hb3e7 wrote

Not just dogs, but to take down bulls and bears… they are extremely strong, zero-mistake dogs.


petedogg t1_j9h2zrp wrote

People say the same about assault weapons. They should still be banned.


yesmrbevilaqua t1_j9hci5u wrote

I always say that, the people making the arguments couldn’t be more different but the arguments are exactly the same, and honestly you never have to worry about your assault rifle sneaking out of your yard and killing a kid