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I_Cast_Trident t1_j8bx7yn wrote

We're number one at being number two


dogpupkus t1_j8efvt8 wrote

I mean, all jokes aside, this proves that Philly sports teams are alpha tier contenders.

idc, I'm proud of that.

Sure, I'd like a win-- but at least we're consistently getting a shot against some of the best teams in their respective leagues.

We'll connect once it's our time.


MedievalFightClub t1_j8e8hag wrote

How are the Sixers doing?

(Don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.)


trickyt183 t1_j8g5f4e wrote

Awesome. They will make the finals, and then lose in heartbreaking fashion in game 6 or 7


BtenaciousD t1_j8g9y7v wrote

Sadly there is no chance that the Flyers will lose the Stanley Cup this year


Angsty_Potatos t1_j8bxrno wrote

Name a more iconic Philly thing to do


MonsterNog t1_j8c4pcq wrote

Stab someone and push them on the tracks but I think this hurts more


wplaurence t1_j8ecpj2 wrote

That's a New York thing mostly.


PwillyAlldilly t1_j8fsipv wrote

Definitely more philly. They’ll be eating a cheesesteak while doing so.


MonsterNog t1_j8fyiwm wrote

The cheesesteak tells them to do it that’s why I don’t eat Pats or Genos


ProphGhXXst t1_j8c8c92 wrote

There was a time not too long ago when we couldn’t even get to a finals.


SomePaddy t1_j8digu2 wrote

I was trying to cheer up my devastated 8 year old by pointing out how great of a year it's been for Philly sports overall (albeit coming second in three championships). Her response "but we lost all three of them - WE'RE TOTAL LOSERS!".

Apparently I'm raising Red Sanders.


youtellmedothings t1_j8f8npx wrote

NFC Champions, National League Champions, and Eastern Conference Champions in football, baseball, and soccer, respectively. Can't say it hasn't been a fun year with a lot to celebrate. I don't see anybody else who has gotten to cheer for so many teams all the way to the finals lately.


king0fprussia t1_j8caoo2 wrote

My son was born the day before the Phillies clinched their playoff spot. I thought he was good luck…now I’m worried he’s brought a curse upon the city lol


ReadingFromTheShittr t1_j8cdjy7 wrote

Funny. I was born between The Sixers winning in '83 and tie Phils losing in '83. For the longest time I thought I was the curse.


suestrong315 t1_j8cw5nf wrote

I had my son the March when the Flyers went to the Stanley Cup Finals... And we lost lol


The_Clamer t1_j8by7i9 wrote

Celebrating championship births on broad street might be bad karma.


mazerati185 t1_j8d3vgq wrote

Yeah cause that was a factor why they lost….. lol /s


Carriage4higher t1_j8ccmkd wrote

The referees ended the game prematurely. Philly should have had time to respond with a drive of their own. NFL officiating is seriously flawed.


SnooPets8849 t1_j8c0dsv wrote

As a non-Philly fan living in the city, I have watched a lot of bad juju shenanigans happen during both the eagles and Phillies run this year. People were literally shooting off fireworks at half time tonight


hazay t1_j8dq8jv wrote

People were shooting fireworks off Saturday morning. Halftime at least was more appropriate.


NoobOnTheRun t1_j8byr30 wrote

maybe the Sixers will add to the list


ksquad80 t1_j8c7zja wrote

Damn Flyers, never come two.


Ghotipan t1_j8dkfyk wrote

At least the Flyers won't let us down by losing in the playoffs.


Rich_Librarian_7758 t1_j8c41ja wrote

What is fandom if not suffering?


myothercarisapynchon t1_j8ckaxe wrote

imo the eagles losing is a lot worse than the phillies losing. i don’t know anything about soccer so i have no opinion about that. but the phillies were hardly expected to beat the cardinals in the wild card round, so making it to the world series was surprising in the first place. the eagles blew it though


porksoda11 t1_j8dq1y9 wrote

Yeah the Phillies run was magical. It hurt that they loss in the end but I got over it pretty quickly since they weren't even supposed to be there. This Eagles loss is gonna take a bit for me.


NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn t1_j8ce2cd wrote

I dunno. All I know is pain with two shining bright spots (2008 and 2017). Everything else has been pain. At least I no longer have to watch Villanova dominate the city and can just enjoy the crab bucket that is Philadelphia college basketball.


HonnyBrown t1_j8crted wrote

OR Philly has had 3 sports teams in the finals in one athletic year!!!


mazerati185 t1_j8d3y9z wrote

This is the way.


Angry_ClitSpasm350 t1_j8d5th8 wrote

Getting there means nothing if you choke when it matters most


melikeybouncy t1_j8d9e20 wrote

there are 29 teams in MLS, 30 in MLB and 32 in the NFL.

I'd still say being top two is an achievement in each


Angry_ClitSpasm350 t1_j8d9w30 wrote

See i don't like that stupid rosy outlook. Teams leading at half time in the Sb are 26-1. We made damn sure it was 26-2. This team got absolutely embarrassed. They were supposed to be the number 1 O and D in the league, they were FAVORED to win... they blew it. Absolutely embarrassing.


mazerati185 t1_j8da8v5 wrote

Okay, so you don’t watch anymore?


Angry_ClitSpasm350 t1_j8daj6l wrote

Lol so yall are just cool because hey, we at least got to the sb? Even though we had it locked down and decided after the half to pack it up? Cmon man. I'm pissed... idk how you guys arent.


mazerati185 t1_j8damfy wrote

I was pissed for a few minutes


Angry_ClitSpasm350 t1_j8db81a wrote

Well I'm still pissed. We had that game. We pissed it away. If they got blown out, I wouldnt be as mad... but they just gave up.. thats why it hurts so bad


Professor_Casserole t1_j8by7il wrote

I was born and raised here. I derive my strength and power from moments like these. And seriously, grumpy drunks, don't knock my trash cans over tonight..


Allemaengel t1_j8d0dbp wrote

I remember a long period of time when we typically didn't get to the finals in any one sport in any given year, let alone 3 in one year. Phillies winning in '80 and Sixers in '83 were bfd's.

Overall things are trending more frequently competitive and I'll take that.


RealPrinceJay t1_j8by74n wrote

sending all my energy to the Sixers

Trust The Process


SnoopRion69 t1_j8c4vgv wrote

Those are tremendous accomplishments. As a transplant, I'm jealous of the teams here.


Electr_O_Purist t1_j8dii7x wrote

Why aren’t we saying Philadelphia has reached the finals in 3 major sports in 1 year?


thelatherdaddy t1_j8ehkwt wrote

This perspective is whack. We made it to the three championships.


jlomba1 t1_j8exw5w wrote

Exactly! Ask us about the teams we beat that didn’t get to the championships!


harbison215 t1_j8d7iuc wrote

I was born in 83. Philadelphia teams are 2-10 in major sports finals in my lifetime and I’m only counting the 4 sports of the NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL


Joemamacita t1_j8duo3j wrote

This needs to be highlighted by the mods! Quite possibly the worst city with 4 teams in that time span.


harbison215 t1_j8dv273 wrote

Here’s my list:

I was born in mid 83, after the sixers won their title, so I don’t include that.

-85 flyers loss

-87 flyers loss

-93 Phillies loss

-97 flyers loss

-01 sixers loss

-05 eagles loss

-08 Phillies WIN

-09 Phillies loss

-2010 flyers loss

-2018 eagles WIN

-2022 Phillies loss

-2023 eagles loss


hop208 t1_j8cort8 wrote

Less than 100 days.


kkirchhoff t1_j8ee1ej wrote

Hey, but at least we had the rotisserie chicken guy. That’s something


JWTowsonU t1_j8dnbi3 wrote

Should rename ourselves the Silver Medal City


phillybilly t1_j8c7iq2 wrote

I wouldn’t want it any other way (almost)


greenearrow t1_j8d18x2 wrote

The team that lost the Super Bowl still got to the Super Bowl.


OmegaDriver t1_j8dxsqz wrote

And don't forget the non major ones like USFL.


kimchitacoman t1_j8f14fy wrote

Don't forget the Stars in the USFL


inthegarden5 t1_j8ea08r wrote

The Phillies making it to the World Series was unexpected and beautiful. Just making the wild card game came down to the end. They vastly exceeded expectations and make the fans happy.


eMPereb t1_j8f53ce wrote

We are the 1st place losers😞


Icyyflame t1_j8f7xrk wrote

Philly winning was not what the Freemasons 🫠wanted this year sadly. Maybe next season


allmimsyburogrove t1_j8fe105 wrote

Over the last 50 years in the finals:

Flyers 2-6, Sixers 1-3, Phillies 2-4, Eagles 1-3

6 championships over 200 seasons


Ament215 t1_j8fihq4 wrote

Emotional damage


espressocycle t1_j8fplif wrote

This is why I don't follow sports. It's just disappointing most of the time and if you're team wins it's because the other team lost.


[deleted] t1_j8fvp3x wrote

Important is to participate 😆


BtenaciousD t1_j8g9swm wrote

City of (near) Champions!


Lawmonger t1_j8gfeb2 wrote

We can rest assured the Flyers won't be number 4.


KingdaToro t1_j8v4w3y wrote

It's the Curse of Billy Penn.

1987: One Liberty Place is built, exceeding the height of City Hall and making William Penn's statue no longer the highest point of the city. From this point until 2007, no Philly sports team would win a championship.

2007: The Comcast Center is topped out, and since it's the new tallest building in the city, a William Penn figurine is attached to its highest point.

2008: Phillies win the World Series

2017: The Comcast Technology Center is topped out, and since it's the new tallest building in the city, a William Penn figurine is attached to its highest point.

2018: Eagles win the Super Bowl

2022-23: No new tallest skyscraper this time. Phillies, Union, and Eagles all lose championships.


Angry_ClitSpasm350 t1_j8d5qsq wrote

Why? Why can we not fucking win...? I just do not understand why philly is just so bad so consistently


thelatherdaddy t1_j8ehois wrote

Yes, the teams who made it to the championship games of their respective sports are bad.


Angry_ClitSpasm350 t1_j8ei0g1 wrote

I mean... they cant close out championship games.... if youre not first, you're last.


thelatherdaddy t1_j8entyi wrote

You seem fun.


Angry_ClitSpasm350 t1_j8eo2ax wrote

You seem to know nothing about me but that's cute. So sorry i expect my team that's in the super bowl to win.... didn't know that was asking a lot.


thelatherdaddy t1_j8eopec wrote

What the hell, I’ll bite. Expecting them to win is not asking a lot. Your exact words were “I just do not understand why philly is just so bad so consistently.” My rebuttal was simply to point out that consistently being bad would lead to teams that do not make it to championship games.


Treestyles t1_j8nl92t wrote

Don’t be fooled by the name, MLS is not major.


OprahtheHutt t1_j8eumzv wrote

I’ll give you 2 1/2, not 3.


7thAndGreenhill t1_j8bxxzn wrote

We were in the MLS finals?


lanternfly_carcass t1_j8c7a5b wrote

Yes, we lost on shootouts after overtime in the most exciting mls match ever. It was legit exciting eve for non soccer fans. The pain....


dandykaufman2 t1_j8c36ck wrote

People mentioning the mls as a major sports league makes me feel like a sixty year old sports radio host


ins1der OP t1_j8c3lre wrote

Good? It's incredibly popular and has better average attendance than other major sports leagues. Welcome to the 2020s.


Strick1600 t1_j8bzibx wrote

Can we please stop pretending that the MLS is a major sport?


ins1der OP t1_j8c0e98 wrote

Has higher average attendance than both NHL and NBA. It's incredibly popular in its niche. There's nothing wrong with MLS, it's fun.


exileonmainst t1_j8dg4e0 wrote

the stadiums are bigger and they play fewer games


mrhairybolo t1_j8dtxr8 wrote

Aren’t tickets also incredibly cheap and often free?


exileonmainst t1_j8dwxru wrote

not sure about free, but yes they are definitely cheaper, so thats a good point too.

im not a soccer hater or anything, but its just a really disingenuous argument to compare average attendance numbers as a good measure of popularity.


mrhairybolo t1_j8qpry5 wrote

In Canada I know for a fact they’re free a lot through certain avenues. Same with the CFL. Obviously our sports landscape is quite a bit different with NHL being by far #1


Strick1600 t1_j8c1jf2 wrote

It’s not a major sport. It’s like the wings


bob-ombshell t1_j8cdaa0 wrote

Keep telling yourself that, bud. Or you could come to a game & have even more sports to watch.


KFCConspiracy t1_j8deyx2 wrote

At this point more people are interested in MLS than NHL. So... OK, then I guess NHL isn't a major sport.