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mealpatrickharris t1_j9spsme wrote

what the fuck is wrong with this organization

feel free to ask them here:

+1 215-821-9632

924 cherry st


Katarzzle t1_j9t69n5 wrote

This website reads strangely. They say so much about themselves without saying anything at all.


joeheller22 t1_j9t73m1 wrote

Exactly, what the fuck do they even do. The MO theme was definitely supporting a “Philadelphia ecosystem”, which I guess means posting bail for accused violent murderers.

Sign me up for a reoccurring donation!! /s


EnemyOfEloquence t1_j9td06j wrote

> supporting a “Philadelphia ecosystem”, which I guess means posting bail for accused violent murderers

Lmao, sadly that's actually pretty onbrand for us.


mrmemo t1_j9ta8ks wrote

I bet you a nickel, it's a shell company aimed at drumming up "charitable donations for social change" from local businesses. Basically a scam that tells businesses, "Hey you want to look like you care, right? Donate to us, we'll make it look like you care!"

And then they use that money to bail out murderers IT'S JUST STANDARD REALLY.


Strawb3rry_Slay3r666 t1_j9tpwoe wrote

I think your right, they must randomly choose someone who’s been on the news for an offense to bail out so it looks like they actually do what they claim


hexagonalshit t1_j9ukln6 wrote

They're trying to create controversy to gain more funding/ notoriety

It's disgusting


mortgagepants t1_j9ttoh1 wrote

lol your comment makes me think of the chris farley adam sandler meme.


RobinKennedy23 t1_j9tedtk wrote

Foreign money influenced to sow civil discontent.


bayoubilly88 t1_j9w80dx wrote

It’s crazy that I have to scroll this far down to find a person who understands what is happening here.


memphisbelle t1_j9tf6vl wrote

Hahaha based on their website I have NO clue what they do


TheNightmareOfHair t1_j9ubt3d wrote

It doesn't seem all that complicated to me. It looks like this is an umbrella org that provides logistical/financial support for a lot of local leftist causes -- including some really excellent orgs -- that are too small to do/fund certain things themselves. I'm guessing that the Philly Community Bail Fund is probably the org that actually made the decision.


failedabortion4444 t1_j9w8e6w wrote

that’s disappointing. there’s no nuance at all with these organizations and as a “leftist” i’m ashamed frankly. wonder how they feel when/if they get assaulted and robbed.


illy-chan t1_j9tn71o wrote

Thought that too. It's buzzword vomit without any sort of hard definition on what they actually do.

From other sources, it looks like they probably posted the bail because they're anti-cash bail but damned if you could guess that was a stance of theirs from their website.


PhillyPanda t1_j9uqx5q wrote

Lol click on their updates . They recently took a 5 month hiatus from working to reflect on their past work.


leninluvr t1_j9ua088 wrote

I think they took down the contact page, I saw it earlier but appears to be gone now


MaoZedongs t1_j9tp0le wrote

I’d bet if you dig deep enough, you’ll find ties to Philly Socialists or Socialist Party USA. The site has a very Trotsky or Lenin feel to how it’s written. Sort of “baffle them with bullshit”.


mortgagepants t1_j9ttz1j wrote

you made up your own boogie man and then blamed it on someone else. do you really think people who are in favor economic equality are also in favor of beating people to death? grow up.


MaoZedongs t1_j9tyf12 wrote

Ahh yes, there’s the downvotes and angry tongue lashing lol. You know what they say. If you start catching flak, it means you’re over the target.

Their office is called “The People’s HQ” lol. It’s right on their website.


mortgagepants t1_j9u1nh0 wrote

you're making your own flak, then catching it, then patting yourself on the back for it. you must be well off and close to retirement.


MaoZedongs t1_j9u2qaw wrote

I’m actually neither. I didn’t even say anything negative about any organization. All I did was offer comment in the way the information on the site is presented.

Here’s the problem. This city and nearly every organization in it is completely corrupt. Those wealthy white socialists in West Philly in and around Penn generally have no idea who actually pulls their strings. They just do what they’re told is right. When whatever “movement” or cause does some corrupt shit, they deny everything because “We would never do that!”. Bullshit. The powers that be have been doing it for decades and vast numbers of Philadelphians are just useful idiots in the corruption.

You’ll find out this kid is some 2nd cousin of a friend of Ramona Africa or some bullshit. That’s why their spending other peoples money bonding his ass out.


mortgagepants t1_j9uehu1 wrote

oh fuck imagine if we paid three quarters of a billion dollars for a police force.


MaoZedongs t1_j9uesy3 wrote

I’ll correct myself.

Every. Single. Organization.