sirauron14 t1_j9tv6xe wrote
can't blame Krasner on
>>The cash bail system requires 10% of the set bail to be paid to get
spring someone free. It does not require a hearing, and it's often kept
between the court and the juvenile system with no notification to the
District Attorney's Office.
Aromat_Junkie t1_j9u3e18 wrote
There is 100% a hearing. It's called your preliminary hearing where someone from the DA's office and a judge determine you bail. That's the absolute first thing that happens in any proceedings.
sirauron14 t1_j9uenjo wrote
Thats what the article said. I took it from that
Aromat_Junkie t1_j9umqfd wrote
I think they meant to imply, there's not some sort of hearing AFTER you post bail. If the DA felt like they were too dangerous to get bail, they had ample time to make that case.
Hoyarugby t1_j9uqy6l wrote
PA law requires bail in all cases where the possible punishment doesn't include life without parole. PA law also does not allow minors to be sentenced to life without parole. Therefore, bail was required here, the DA could not legally make the case that bail should be denied
Aromat_Junkie t1_j9ux2co wrote
oh... our laws are weird as shit. then why is it 800K and not 5K? surely a underage minor doesnt have access to capital?
I always forget this:
but regardless, you get a bail hearing.
Aromat_Junkie t1_j9uxgii wrote
just double replying
"An MDJ may not assign cash bail solely because a defendant faces serious charges.16 The rules further require that an MDJ conduct a careful individualized assessment of the arrested person and look at multiple factors, including the person’s community ties and history of employment.17 If an MDJ determines that cash bail is necessary to ensure appearance, they must then assess the financial ability of the defendant and should only assign a reasonable bail amount “no[] greater than is necessary to reasonably ensure the defendant’s appearance and compliance with conditions of the bail bond.”18 Under Pennsylvania law, MDJs may not impose cash bail for the sole purpose of incarcerating someone until their trial date.19 Pretrial detention must be the carefully limited exception to pretrial releas"
So clearly this is a case of "DEJURE" versus "DEFACTO" law/proceedings. Bail is absolutely used to prevent people from exiting jail before trial - the ALCU document pretty much proves that point with figures.
So either we should change the law / constitution or follow the law, and also maybe we need to ring up hollywood and have them stop making up random shit in procedural shows so we can all understnd how it works lol
sirauron14 t1_j9un339 wrote
Yeah in those cases yes. I guess the child isn't dangerous
Aromat_Junkie t1_j9und0u wrote
As far as I know - Not in some cases, in all cases the preliminary hearing happens first, usually several hours after being charged and arrested. Literally the first thing that happens after they arrest you is put you in front of a judge and the DA and they set or deny your bail...
[deleted] t1_j9u27r5 wrote
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