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mrpeaceNunity t1_ja1p1t0 wrote

She isn't from the average working class people

She is like Allen Domb... Way above in the clouds...


mikebailey t1_ja1tq9l wrote

Politicians generally aren’t, it matters more who they’re prepared to serve though


mrpeaceNunity t1_ja1ujnw wrote

Philadelphians want political leaders who are from the masses. We have 25% poverty level.

Couple of good examples: Kendra Brooks Jamie Gauthier

I don't like Rebecca for mayor. She is good as a controller but not as a mayor. I don't see her bringing unity or as someone who can identify with Philadelphians.

Again I like Jeff Brown and I also like Maria. But I lean towards Jeff.


[deleted] t1_ja1wjte wrote



mrpeaceNunity t1_ja2qvpi wrote

In a city with 25% poverty I think someone who has practical experience with providing jobs and food is a good choice.


nalgene_wilder t1_ja2rnj8 wrote

Is the mayor in charge of a soup kitchen or something?


mrpeaceNunity t1_ja2s2ni wrote

For the amount of poor people we have in this city and kids who go hungry we need to some poverty first.

This city won't improve and compete unless we tackle poverty head on.

Rebecca has no track record of tackling poverty. She is disconnected and out of touch.