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diatriose t1_j8tasih wrote

We're in West and have a wonderful community. The city is so easily travellable, and there's so much for us to do. Lots of free resources, parks and libraries. We've made so many friends.


jjphilly76 t1_j8tiqgs wrote

You are lucky and even better off than Grad Hospital. The WP and Clark Park libraries actually have worthwhile hours. Wish the rest of the city was like this.


yourfriendkyle t1_j8u06xx wrote

Tell your council person to cut the police budget and hire more librarians


kdeltar t1_j8u6f58 wrote

Well then smart guy tell me this- How are we supposed to pay for cops on fake sick leave if we slash their budget?


yourfriendkyle t1_j8ufxci wrote

Maybe the cops on fake sick leave could work at the libraries as their secret second jobs


diatriose t1_j8uk9rh wrote

You do not wants cops in charge of libraries. That's like a horse in a hospital.


diatriose t1_j8ukdi0 wrote

I tell them that constantly 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe then we could have libraries open on weekends instead of cops on fake sick leave working second jobs and living in Montco


diatriose t1_j8tiuzp wrote

Fishtown library is amazing


TheBSQ t1_j8v96k6 wrote

It’s tiny, kinda dingy, and it’s hours make it basically unusable for anyone with a M-F 9-5 job.

That being said, I am very appreciate of tall they do with what they have. My family makes heavy use of it and the community is much better because of it.

But it’s not amazing.

I’d take pretty much any randomly chosen suburban library over it. And I know a lot of people in Fishtown who go to the one in Port Richmond because they prefer it.


diatriose t1_j8v9dl7 wrote

What an unkind sentiment. The librarians there work incredibly hard with practically no resources at their disposal. Sorry our libraries are underfunded.


ApathyInWool t1_j91tf4k wrote

The librarians at the Fishtown library are amazing. You can tell they’re doing their best, and it sucks they get basically no assistance from the city.


ApathyInWool t1_j91tb8e wrote

The Richmond library has an awesome kids section and they’re open a smidge later (7 I think). I love both. But we end up at the Richmond library a smidge more even though we live closer to the Fishtown library.


mrpeaceNunity OP t1_j8tb4mf wrote

The library has been awesome!!! Berenstain bears and Curious george and the new books like grumpy monkey are always in stock and they have a huge selection.

Definitely a huge benefit