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Lunamothknits t1_j8toui2 wrote

I moved back for my kids to have access to things they didn’t in other states I’ve lived in. For all of its flaws, I feel like most people who complain about Philly in general have never lived anywhere else.


mrpeaceNunity OP t1_j8tp84q wrote

I agree. There's a lot of good in Philadelphia. The proximity to be close to everything. It's a walking city Very affordable compared to other large cities.


Lunamothknits t1_j8tpmz5 wrote

I have a much larger than usual sample size to work from so it gives me a unique perspective. The only area that came almost close was Atlanta. And I for sure miss the museums in DC. But. 😂


petedogg t1_j8u683y wrote

I complain about Philly because I’ve lived in a lot of other cities and know it could be better. Every place has its pros and cons. I wouldn’t be here if there weren’t a lot of good reasons to raise my family here.


Lunamothknits t1_j8uerbj wrote

There’s stuff that absolutely warrants complaint, I just wish more people followed that with action. I’m hoping that things get back to even better, especially for the kids.


petedogg t1_j8uhkaw wrote

A lot of people here do try to make things better and to be honest, that’s one of the best things about Philly. Much of that is because the actual city government is incompetent. We need stronger leadership in city hall so they start doing their jobs.


Lunamothknits t1_j8un6x4 wrote

It’s a top feature for why I came back, for sure. And agreed on leadership, but that’s honestly a problem everywhere lately. :/


TheBSQ t1_j8vdw8y wrote

I’ve lived in 8 other big cities besides Philly. A lot of what drives me crazy about Philly is because I’ve lived in so many other cities that are so much less dysfunctional.

I always figured it was the opposite. Seems like most of the people I know who love Philly are from here (or the region) and don’t have much lived experience in other big cities.

A lot of the transplants I’ve met since moving here 6 years ago have already left. The ones who haven’t don’t really love it, but stay because they can afford to buy here, and can’t in the big cities they like more.
