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Allemaengel t1_ja3ns3g wrote

I guess the firm now runs the risk of a toothless reputation in court.


Capable_Okra t1_ja3vfjc wrote

"I'm sorry I called you a gap-toothed bitch. It's not your fault you're so gap-toothed."


hazeleyedwolff t1_ja3xlan wrote

Everything with his name on it needs the Hitchbot treatment.


AbsurdLemon t1_ja3zmf3 wrote

Now he’s trying to relate to the methheads too


porkchameleon t1_ja3zo2r wrote

The reason this guy is at the top of the list of the ambulance chasers I’d call? Constant posts about his ads on this subreddit.

His ad campaign is beyond successful; thank you for ensuring that time and time again 😘


Zhuul t1_ja42zli wrote

On the north side of 17th and Market someone vandalized a stock image on a vacant property to give this lady Post Malone esque tattoos and I kinda love it


Jawny_Appleseed t1_ja4zy7s wrote

“Make thor to contact uth for all your legal need that.”


breakersounds t1_ja54rby wrote

Ya know I was thinking and he didn’t even use the word right. Wouldn’t it be that Morgan jawn, not that jawn Morgan?


MedicCrow t1_ja56z7j wrote

I saw one where his eyes were gone and they stole all his teeth and I burst out laughing walking down the street


MonsterNog t1_ja57hyh wrote

I want someone to vandalize it and have it say John


Genjinaro t1_ja5jx3v wrote

Our super noun was defiled. It's only fair.


Capkirk0923 t1_ja5lhna wrote

It’s more on brand for Philly that way anyway.


755goodmorning t1_ja5x14z wrote

I grew up in Orlando where John Morgan got his start. He actually went to the same church as I did. Was a pretty nice guy when I was a kid. It blows my mind how he took a tiny law firm and turned it into this thing. So sick of seeing his face everywhere at this point.


MorningDiarrhea t1_ja6bdh4 wrote

I saw this dickhead on a billboard in Kentucky this weekend.


Fordiman t1_ja6bjdg wrote

Seems like the gap shoulda come with the name change.


SammieCat50 t1_ja7k08q wrote

Those signs are so stupid… I wouldn’t use him because of those signs …. He’s an ambulance chaser


downvotefodder t1_ja7rdnh wrote

Fuck this Gomer Pyle booger eating sister banging goober yokel