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toss_it_out_tomorrow OP t1_j8x2co0 wrote

I hear ya. But some of these people don't have any idea where they're going ahead if time for their community service if they're coming right from jail. My aunt lives in jersey on the river and twice a year, guys in their orange jumpsuits come to clear out lots of old wood and trash along the river. They're chaperoned by a bunch o gun carrying cops and I've been there when they're over there doing it. They get a gorgeous day outside and they look at the water and they clean up the area. They're usually there for 10 hours. They get breaks. They do a gorgeous job, and they're very kind if folks walk by and greet them. I'm of the mindset that yes, there are some people out there who are not in any way fit for society for whatever reason, but I also know that *some* violent offenders could have just fucked up badly due to circumstance. I believe a lot can come from rehabilitating people.