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jedilips t1_j98pdc9 wrote

> Why do people still park on the road?

Because this area is filled with entitled pricks who do whatever they want and think rules are only suggestions that do not apply because it would inconvenience them.


tracksuitaficionado t1_j991hng wrote

Double park culture. As trivial as it may seem it’s the thing that I genuinely despise the most about this city.


Disarray215 t1_j994zb1 wrote

I hate it more when they double park next to an open spot. It’s like park in it, doesn’t matter how fast you’ll be and don’t worry you’ll be able to pull back out into traffic.


CallMeMattF t1_j9accbx wrote

People delivering Amazon packages out of their own cars who do this make me want to make my daily driver a bulldozer


BlackhawkinPA t1_j9ajvtm wrote

This is the preferred method of double parking in the NE


philly-spud t1_j9aneqw wrote

Parking in the middle of Broad St and parking to block corners/pedestrian crosswalks without any consequence too. Philly is just lawless when it comes to parking.


tracksuitaficionado t1_j9aojv6 wrote

I live on a street that feeds onto Girard, and every single morning there’s a car parked in the x’d out spot right at the corner and it makes pulling out safely nearly impossible because I simply can’t see what’s coming. It’s a safety issue as much as anything else.

And we have a city councilman who promotes driving to the corner store. It’s an actual joke at this point.


philly-spud t1_j9arfml wrote

Same. I live on a small/in between block so there are no stop signs when I pull out and every day I just hold my breath and hope that someone sees my lights I flash before pulling out.


kcvngs76131 t1_j9bauo1 wrote

The number of lifted pickups especially that park across the ADA cutouts is insane. Like I shouldn't have to backtrack a block to do an unnecessary crossing because I can't access the thing that is supposed to make the sidewalk accessible. Most of the time, it's both corners blocked like that. It's a nightmare to have any mobility issues in this city


swainstache t1_j9css84 wrote

As someone who drives around the city all day this is my least favorite driving habit. Just lyft drivers and delivery drivers double parking everywhere instead of pulling over. And that’s not counting all the regular people doing the same damn thing


flaaaacid t1_j9944ag wrote

…and they’re proven right time and time again, when no consequences are dished out for their antisocial behavior. Which explains so much in Philadelphia.


ISOtrails t1_j9a5tzk wrote

Cottman ave at Frankford- cars are double parked where the lane narrows so essentially you have a turning lane and two lanes merging into one at an intersection. It’s maddening and ain’t shit being done about it


shapu t1_j997w8v wrote

>think rules do not apply

They often don't. The city has abdicated even the most basic enforcement to the people, but the citizenry has neither the incentive nor the power to enforce rules either.

Rules without enforcement, whether taht enforcement is by government or by society, are rules that do not exist.


RoverTheMonster t1_j98rx03 wrote

This is the translation I do in my head whenever I read someone’s shirt that says “No one likes us, we don’t care.”


Zip-Wreck t1_j99w562 wrote

I just think of the Kelce speech. Bet he would have had a banger this time, too.


Jewfros t1_j9aaqza wrote

I will say the last time I used the cell phone lot it was absolutely packed with maybe ~5 spaces open


Odd-Emergency5839 t1_j9afjgx wrote

This happens in Chicago and every other major city too. It’s not like it’s just a Philly thing.


nnp1989 t1_j9aj37q wrote

Not really. Try this at LAX and the cops will be on your ass in seconds. One of the only positives of navigating that airport.


Odd-Emergency5839 t1_j9ajy4f wrote

I’ve 100% seen this happen everytime I’ve been to O’Hare. Can’t say for sure about LAX


NoFaithlessness3209 t1_j9aprid wrote

There’s not even space to do this at LAX! So that’s not even a good example. I was just in Seattle and they do the same thing as Philly