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philly-spud t1_j9aneqw wrote

Parking in the middle of Broad St and parking to block corners/pedestrian crosswalks without any consequence too. Philly is just lawless when it comes to parking.


tracksuitaficionado t1_j9aojv6 wrote

I live on a street that feeds onto Girard, and every single morning there’s a car parked in the x’d out spot right at the corner and it makes pulling out safely nearly impossible because I simply can’t see what’s coming. It’s a safety issue as much as anything else.

And we have a city councilman who promotes driving to the corner store. It’s an actual joke at this point.


philly-spud t1_j9arfml wrote

Same. I live on a small/in between block so there are no stop signs when I pull out and every day I just hold my breath and hope that someone sees my lights I flash before pulling out.


kcvngs76131 t1_j9bauo1 wrote

The number of lifted pickups especially that park across the ADA cutouts is insane. Like I shouldn't have to backtrack a block to do an unnecessary crossing because I can't access the thing that is supposed to make the sidewalk accessible. Most of the time, it's both corners blocked like that. It's a nightmare to have any mobility issues in this city