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helium_hydrogen t1_j9ff6h5 wrote

Reply to comment by -ibgd in Divine Lorraine Hotel by FGoose

In the process. It's operating as a hotel, we have guests coming in and out every day, but there's a good chunk of residents left. The last of them should be out around May and then it will fully be hotel-only.


359dawson t1_j9fl5yo wrote

I didn’t know it was switching. Why are they doing that? Looked like an amazing place To live.


helium_hydrogen t1_j9fng9v wrote

I assume because they can make more money off tourists. It's been fun living here, but there's definitely downsides.


Chimpskibot t1_j9fttqp wrote

There was really bad water issues in a lot of the units.


HelloMyNameisPaul t1_j9fi5i3 wrote

Any tips on events going on in the building? I've always been interesting in seeing the old architecture but the only thing I am aware of is going to dinner at the restaurant. Does any group do tours or anything historical like that?


helium_hydrogen t1_j9gaq1w wrote

Honestly, there's not really any old architecture to be seen inside. They gutted the rooms when they renovated, it's pretty much all new construction inside and looks like any other modern apartment. The part they kept is the lobby, which you can easily look at just by being buzzed in. The restaurant (Cicala) is very nice and you walk through the lobby if you need the bathroom at any point.