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alittlemouth t1_j9z719c wrote

When I got a new car I knew that first ding or scrape would make me really mad, so I hit a pillar in a parking garage right away so I could only be mad at myself. At least that's the way I've justified my idiocy.


ZealousidealShift880 t1_j9zcbfm wrote

Ha my husband did this. In his defense it was at the hospital after having third baby 😂


espressocycle t1_ja0mx0s wrote

Only time I bought a late model car I immediately hit a poll by accident but honestly it was a real load off my mind. I sold it anyway though and bought something cheaper. I'm 43 and other than that one time I've never paid more than $4500 for a car. And the only reason I've owned six cars is because one just smelled too bad, one got stolen and one was deemed by my wife to be too dangerous to transport a child in. I've only actually junked one car and it was just because I was too lazy to fix it.


tgalen t1_ja0q14e wrote

Omg this happened to me too!!


dersnappychicken t1_ja1wimy wrote

I do the same thing in Dark Souls games. Run off the first cliff I see. When the first one is on me, the rest hurt less.