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Chimpskibot t1_j9zwqrf wrote

You live in South Philly and drive to CC? LOL


BigShawn424 t1_ja05ffh wrote

They could save so much money just by catching the subway lmao


Owlbertowlbert t1_ja0n0mh wrote

tell me you originated in the suburbs without telling me you originated in the suburbs... oof


cinephile67 t1_ja1qfg8 wrote

Im born and raised in Philly and know so many people that drive the shortest distances. Don’t think it’s a suburban thing


AbsentEmpire t1_ja3tx5h wrote

It's not, I know households in South Philly where everyone in the house owns a car, and drives everywhere in the city. It's stupid, but it's definitely not a suburban this.


aranhalaranja OP t1_ja6a2de wrote

I’m not from the Burbs. The assumptions people on this sub throw around are so ridiculous. The amount of times some moron on this sub has accused me of being from wherever because of a comment on parking or cheesesteaks or snow plowing or whatever 😬

Anyway. Long story short.

I spent 6 years in CC before moving to south Philly less than a year ago.

My doctor, chiropractor, vet, pediatrician, etc are all there.

If I were to bring a dog on septa to go to the vet, wouldn’t the folks in this exact sub shit themselves?

If I were to bring my baby on septa, wouldn’t folks on this sub say: Philly crime is the worst. Any idiot with a baby on septa is asking for trouble.

Contrary to popular belief. Philly is a great city and the people are are wonderful. There’s a tiny subset on this sub who REALLY want to uphold the asshole Philly demeanor. Not necessary