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CommunicationTime265 t1_j9oiazo wrote

Seasonal allergies start in Feb now. Oh and the massive change in temp


Lunamothknits t1_j9oj9rx wrote

Seriously. High of 68 today and high of 36 Saturday. 🫠


i-bleed-red t1_j9s786p wrote

Instant migraine for me.


ComoSeaYeah t1_j9tb8aw wrote

Me too. I was wondering when it would come this week with this flip flopping weather but now I know. The answer is: today.


i-bleed-red t1_j9tbmy6 wrote

Sorry. Good luck.


ComoSeaYeah t1_j9tc4s6 wrote

Luckily I have off today so I can lie down with an ice pack on my face (my migraine pain is around my nose and eyes) and listen to some podcasts. Meds don’t really do anything for me but the ice helps a bit. I hope it passes soon for you if you’re still suffering.


i-bleed-red t1_j9teizi wrote

Mine a whole other story but I wish you fast recovery. If you get bored I just discovered this podcast. I’m 10 minutes into episode 1 and I can’t stop laughing.


ComoSeaYeah t1_j9tf7cv wrote

Hilarious podcast!

I read some of your older posts and I’m so sorry you’re dealing with LC. My chronic issues are also related to a post-viral syndrome (circa 1994) so when people began reporting their post-covid symptoms en masse it felt like deja vu.


i-bleed-red t1_j9tfc5g wrote

Oh geez! I’m sorry you can relate. Feel free to DM if you ever want to swap stories or be distracted. I’m ilene.


PurpleWhiteOut t1_j9pjm16 wrote

Seeing flowers and cherry trees blooming in February is only slightly alarming... The cherry blossom festival is taking place mid April and I can't imagine there will be any blossoms by then


courageous_liquid t1_j9oxe4m wrote

I just changed my HVAC filter last night and it was bright green. I think I replaced it last in like december.


Churrasco_fan t1_j9q8gxu wrote

December as in 2 months ago? That's...way too soon for your filter to be clogged


courageous_liquid t1_j9qcy84 wrote

someone in my house has the windows open 24/7, even in the winter


Churrasco_fan t1_j9qfy4d wrote

Oh well yeah that'll probably do it. Fortunately the filters are fairly cheap


courageous_liquid t1_j9qg766 wrote

Yeah I have like 15 of them around so it's not a big deal. I should honestly probably just get an air purifier.


Churrasco_fan t1_j9qizcx wrote

Or close the mf window haha


courageous_liquid t1_j9qj4jb wrote

half of my day is spent closing windows

the other day 5 of 8 windows were open. it was 40 out.


money_mase19 t1_j9qtgyh wrote

does closing windows help with indoor air quality? i assumed fresh air is good.