Submitted by worriedaboutlove t3_119phph in philadelphia

For the past 8 hours, my nose has been incredibly stuffed up. Now, you might say, that’s a you problem, but my Dyson Air Filter Fan has been indicating hazardous air with some crazy numbers for this period as well…but all my windows are closed.

What’s going on here? I need help solving this mystery.



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diatriose t1_j9nf5v9 wrote

Same. My air purifier has been on high alert. Got to humidifier running now. 🤷🏻‍♀️


sexy_wash_bucket t1_j9ngw9b wrote

AQI in center city is 56 right now. Not crazy high but higher than usual. Definitely would affect most people with histories of respiratory issues


sexy_wash_bucket t1_j9ni9sq wrote

That tracks. Some of the pro bono legal work I do is petitioning the EPA to repair/maintain faulty federal air quality monitors. Especially in big cities (and especially in low-income areas), the monitors are a mess. Without accurate data, citizens can’t initiate Clean Air Act suits against polluters because there’s no/little indication that atmospheric pollution is too high in the first place.

Insane that the fed govt doesn’t properly fund things like this. Leaving us literally in the dust.


i-bleed-red t1_j9nuomp wrote

Maybe a dumb question but can really poor air quality cause issues other than respiratory? I’m in CC as well and have had an unexplained stomach ache since last evening.


jamin_g t1_j9oaa6q wrote


We going from 20 to 70 to 20

Days like today make my bowls hurt too.


ell0bo t1_j9oizhg wrote

The problem with Government, at least in the US, is that there's two parties in charge of it. One party tries to get it to work, the other party says "the government is broken, let me show you how broken it can be." Government also doesn't tax the crap out of us, taxes have been higher in the past, just the biggest money people get the most tax breaks.


mb2231 t1_j9ojtb5 wrote


Prevailing winds travel across the country from West to East. Also compounding is the fact that there has been a lot of days with clouds and warm air aloft which will trap air at the surface, i.e. high particulate levels.


Lyeta1_1 t1_j9olt3n wrote

Preface: not a doctor. Just someone with fucked up sinus anatomy.

Your sinuses, the empty-ish spaces in your head have release valves (it's not really a valve, but an opening with membranes lining it, but anyway). On some people these openings are functional, they don't get swollen, their anatomy is proper so they they aren't blocked by other parts of your nasal anatomy, they don't have polyps or a deviated septum. Those folks probably rarely feel changes from pressure maybe other than in an airplane because the system is pretty open and pressure can't build because air is 'stuck'.

For those of us with shitty sinus anatomy, deviated septums, allergies, this closes those release valves. So there's just air trapped in your sinuses. The pressure changes, the amount of space that air takes up feels different. And since it's pressing on tissue, bone, face stuff, it hurts. This causes irritation, which causes swelling, which puts you in a horrible feedback loop of stuffiness and pain.

I cannot currently hear out of my right ear because there is so much pressure built up in there.


worriedaboutlove OP t1_j9omilx wrote

I wish I could share a picture, but there’s a whole bunch of white gunk on my HoneyWell fan, which is, notably, NOT an air filter. It was not there a few days ago.


blodreina_kumWonkru t1_j9ona6f wrote

I've been extremely stuffed up and coughing at night maybe like once or twice a week for the past month. It's been so random and unexplained. Is this the same thing you're experiencing?!


respondstostupidity t1_j9ony1x wrote

> One party tries to get it to work, the other party says "the government is broken, let me show you how broken it can be."

I used to think that was true, but there's a lot of stuff they could try to get to work that they sit on their hands over. Preferable to the side that works to make things worse but still terrible for the average citizen.


Ilmara t1_j9oo08w wrote

Woke up today with a mild sore throat (like I get with allergies, not illness) and some slight vertigo that gradually wore off. Related?


phillybilly t1_j9ophi9 wrote

It’s an express train of particulates running south to north ahead of the next cold front


GreatWhiteRapper t1_j9opjar wrote

My windows are always cracked open. I had a sore throat this morning around 4am but it went away.

The sky outside looks decidedly weird tho.


HealthyScratch_ t1_j9osea3 wrote

Maybe all the Kensington trash fire smoke is making its way to you. I used to walk to work in the summer and fall but when they started burning ANYTHING to stay warm I literally couldn't breathe walking. It's like chemical warfare here in Kensington. The toxic fumes are constantly in the air. It's horrible. It smells like what I'd assume a milk crate factory would smell like if it was burning down. ...Sigh. I hope you feel better.


cy0nknight t1_j9ou3yb wrote

I've had nose problems since the start of February, I think. Just having nights where I can't breathe through my nose and taking cold meds at 1 am so I can sleep.

This sucks.


mbz321 t1_j9oudrg wrote

My sinuses have been fucked up for like the last week, after getting over another bout earlier in the month. I'm at the point where I might need someone else to get me Sudafed from the Pharmacy as I'm afraid I might be at the 'limit'.


19374729 t1_j9owez0 wrote

not a doctor but anyone who studies vocals/singing can tell you your whole head is a resonant cavity. it's like if you live in a high rise and a draft from the porch causes your front door to slam shut. Great name btw


Cobey1 t1_j9ox53w wrote

My allergies cook me when the weather changes rapidly too. It gets worse as I get older too


Lightspeed1973 t1_j9oxf10 wrote

Anyone catch the burnt toast smell in Fairmount this morning around 16th Street?


Kitsunani t1_j9oy31m wrote

As an Asthmatic with Nonallergic rhinitis (real thing look it up 😅) I have been DYING this week..


smbiggy t1_j9oypzb wrote

im sleeping in the burbs and ive noticed my sinuses are fucked. the comment about pressure is usually the culprit. it was always worse for me in the city


jersey_girl660 t1_j9p1h75 wrote

Wow that’s why my asthma has been so horrendous this week.


99centstalepretzel t1_j9pcrtk wrote

I know my sinus headaches were in rare (maybe not so rare now that spring has started early) form last night. So, yes, allergies and the drastic changes of weather can affect people in more ways than they think they would.


bryverde t1_j9pd30a wrote

I went to an urgent care and they gave me everything I needed to get well. I know that’s not an option for everyone but I recommend if it is one for you. I’m on day four now with very light symptoms. Also I highly recommend pedialyte!


kjan1289 t1_j9pdd04 wrote

So I feel like in one of the early days I saw a map that showed where they were expecting it to move, at that point it was more southwest but ever since then I haven’t been able to find another map - is there one & I’m just terrible at googling or is it just a guess at this point?


PhilEMama t1_j9pdi82 wrote

My mom's asthma has been so bad this last week. I've been blaming it on Ohio. All that air has finally reached our area.


Cer427 t1_j9pegil wrote

I am also suffering, comrades. Does anyone know when we can expect it to get better? I’m tired of being sick. 🙃


apathetic_panda t1_j9pg4ga wrote

Anatomy isn't immune from physics. This is a different flavor of the ideal gas|real gas 🚸🎈🎈 laws.

Putting peeps [the CANDY 🍬 snack] in the microwave is a pretty safe demo- or pet a frog 🐸 😉 Your call.

Thanks, I probably need somebody to check out my sternum-- it's probably still just gingivitis, but I wouldn't normally think about what indigestion actually is.


Jaded-Trainer12 t1_j9pkuld wrote

Getting allergy shots now. Blood work found year round environmental issues. Your HEPA filter is correct. Stay on your meds


Lyeta1_1 t1_j9pvldc wrote

Had it twice! Its great! really does make an astonishing difference and I’d be much worse off if I haven’t had them. But. Apparently the right side of my face anatomy is all smushed up so there’s only so much space they can free up.

The ear is probably looking at tubes, unfortunately…


Jaded-Trainer12 t1_j9q04z0 wrote

Wow..just starting the shots in May. Allergist says by next year I should be doing better. First time doing this. He also said for me to invest in a good Hepa filter for my basement. ( Drinking area). Just started seeing mine in Jan. I jog 4-5 days a week and kept getting sick in the winter and summer. After extensive blood work and tests the culprit was the environment ( along with all grass and trees know to man..and shellfish. Oh..and cock roaches and mice.). Think that's it


OnionLegend t1_j9q0hdc wrote

I’ve been getting my spring allergy for 1-2 weeks now. Eyes itching, sneezing, runny nose.


naked_macaroni t1_j9q3f23 wrote

My allergies are crazy right now. I’ve hit my inhaler a few times today already


3a8rvuaPZ9t t1_j9q61ia wrote

Sometimes keeping all your windows closed can be a bad thing. We have air quality sensors all over our home. Some are Eve Room devices and some are built into our Air Purifiers with carbon dioxide sensors. Often times when levels spike and we’re not doing anything to cause it like cooking food then it’s a good sign to open the window. That always brings the levels down. When the carbon dioxide sensor registers high values it’s typically in our bedroom while we’re sleeping. I definitely notice that we get headaches and poor sleep when carbon dioxide is elevated.


Letumc24 t1_j9q8q65 wrote

My misery does not appreciate company. However, reading all of this does help to lessen the 'is it just me that's miserable af today' I have the jacked up sinuses many of you mentioned also, and I really think it's time for me to get those balloons. Just look at all this pollinated air I'm missing out on due to swollen passages😒


SeaFar6856 t1_j9qfu9d wrote

I spent the last day researching and buying a bigger higher end air filter for my first floor. I have double doors to the outside and they are sealed pretty well, but man o man, I feel like I go downstairs and all of a sudden I have a head and lungs full of snot.


PatAss98 t1_j9qm3x7 wrote

I don't have asthma, but I was in Penn's Landing today and noticed that the smog problem was particularly bad


Leviathant t1_j9qokuy wrote

I'm late to the conversation, but when I went out for lunch in Old City today, and there was a noticeable white haze outside. Probably going to make for a pretty killer sunset.


espressocycle t1_j9qp0vn wrote

Yeah I feel like breathing is a challenge. Going from 35 to 70 in 12 hours is part of it but also just look at the sky. It's very hazy and it's not even that humid. Air quality index is moderate.


halfrican14 t1_j9r1wyq wrote

Feels like I haven’t been able to consistently breathe out my nose for a month now


CoolJetta3 t1_j9r43ru wrote

I have been stuffed up off and on for a week and a half


Fawnnah t1_j9rc317 wrote

I’ve had a sinus infection since last week. Thought I was the only one.


-Twyptophan- t1_j9refv3 wrote

I've had to start my seasonal allergy meds


GemLong28 t1_j9rjlwr wrote

Omg it’s my time to shine.

The relation between temperature and pressure has to do with the ideal gas law: PV = nRT Where P is pressure, V is volume, n is moles of gas present, R is a constant, and T is temperature.

From this equation, we can see Pressure and Temperature are inherently related. If all else is the same (e.g. volume doesn’t change and the moles of gas don’t change) when pressure goes up, temperature follows suit.

Pressure, in meteorological terms, you can imagine as a huge stack (of air) over your head. Think of a column of bricks on top of your head at the very point you’re standing. When pressure is low, air flows inward and up (removing bricks from your head). When pressure is high, air flows outward and down (putting more bricks on your head)

Higher pressure literally means there is more pressure on your body at that time and place you are standing. In our example, imagine more bricks on top of your head than when it’s lower pressure.

I’m not exactly sure how it relates to sinuses, but the body must be able to detect these subtle differences, and that’s why you feel different.

There are other meteorological and environmental factors possibly at play too such as inversion layers that act as blankets and “trap” pollution, warmer temps so flora and fauna react as well, triggering allergies earlier because of warmer weather.

I have a degree in meteorology which I haven’t used in a long time, so this was a fun exercise for me. Thanks!


booweezy t1_j9rl7ek wrote

Been feeling strange pressure in my ears the last 24 hrs. More so at night. Isn’t feeling like a regular ear infection though


shnutz69 t1_j9rrb9o wrote

This might explain my immense brain fog


Ameyring2 t1_j9rs25e wrote

Some days it feels like you're breathing more pollutants than usual. That can be due to an inversion that prevents air from mixing properly and pollutants are trapped near the ground.


Thin-History7067 t1_j9t6nui wrote

I’ve had a migraine since Tuesday and been stuffed up all week so yea. I blame the spy balloon, something is definitely trying to kill me. Lol … seriously tho, I don’t know if it’s the weather or what but the past few days have been awful


ComoSeaYeah t1_j9tc4s6 wrote

Luckily I have off today so I can lie down with an ice pack on my face (my migraine pain is around my nose and eyes) and listen to some podcasts. Meds don’t really do anything for me but the ice helps a bit. I hope it passes soon for you if you’re still suffering.


ComoSeaYeah t1_j9tf7cv wrote

Hilarious podcast!

I read some of your older posts and I’m so sorry you’re dealing with LC. My chronic issues are also related to a post-viral syndrome (circa 1994) so when people began reporting their post-covid symptoms en masse it felt like deja vu.


ExPatWharfRat t1_j9yxp5p wrote

Late to the party, but y'all realize we are downwind of Palestine, OH right?

There's a non-zero chance this is fallout from the train wreck fires.