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Edison_Ruggles t1_je9jxco wrote

You sound smart. Most people are not. That's the problem.


AlVic40117560_ t1_je9ktru wrote

Totally agree. I need the government to tell me if gambling, prostitution, abortion, guns, being gay/trans, or drugs are ok. If they say it’s legal, I will then fully participate. If they say it’s illegal, I’ll simply say no thank you. The government serves as my moral campus and their opinions should be forced onto me so I don’t have to make decisions for myself.


Denki t1_je9vr9f wrote

You’re one of those sovereign citizens aren’t ya? Like you don’t go driving, you go “traveling”. Probably have one of those fake license plates and everything.


AlVic40117560_ t1_jeals5q wrote

I don’t really see how those two things relate. You think the government should be the one choosing if those activities are ok or “moral”?


Denki t1_jeaqj0v wrote

Without getting into a checklist, yes I do think that. The government has the obligation to take care of its citizens and often that includes making a moral choice. Sometimes it doesn’t work, but fortunately we have cultural shifts and realize things like “slavery bad” and “women should vote”. This isn’t some weird libertarian free-for-all, which is just anarchy without the cool stuff and usually a lot more racism.


AlVic40117560_ t1_jeb8rla wrote

But you understand that people still gamble where it’s illegal right? It’s 2023. It’s very easy to illegally do it online. When it’s legal, we can put programs in place like 1-800-gambler to assist those that have trouble controlling themselves. When it’s illegal, it’s shady and there is no oversight. Gambling addiction is very real, but the legality of it doesn’t stop anybody from gambling. It certainly makes it more accessible, but it doesn’t stop anything.


Denki t1_jebcvly wrote

Of course. Never said ban them; I think cities should definitely think real hard about opening them. A healthy city doesn’t open them. But anyway, I think we do exactly as you said; put programs in place. Programs typically funded and regulated by the government.


AlVic40117560_ t1_jebh61b wrote

Maybe we’re agreeing on the same premise here. Because I definitely don’t think it should just be a decision made lightly. There are definitely downsides to gambling. Some people can’t handle it. Some shitheads leave their kids in the car for hours at a time. There are risks. Those risks can be mitigated through those programs with funds raised by gambling taxes. There should be oversight and regulation. But at the end of the day, the government shouldn’t be the ones telling people that they can or can’t gamble. People should be able to make their own decisions at the end of the day, but for the few that can’t handle it, there should be programs in place to help them.