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helplesslyselfish OP t1_jdellri wrote

> Residents in Port Richmond awoke Monday to find they’d become the site of a white supremacist recruitment campaign. Hundreds of stickers with racist, antisemitic messages were plastered to poles throughout the neighborhood, including its main shopping corridor, Richmond Street. Some stickers depicted Nazi symbols and ethnic caricatures; others supported Kanye West and his flagrant comments about Jewish people. According to a sweeping new report from the Anti-Defamation League, these incidents are becoming disturbingly more common. Figures from the anti-hate organization showed sharp rises in antisemitic activity nationwide last year. Pennsylvania saw a 65% increase.

65% is fucking crazy! Where are these people coming from?


B3n222 t1_jdhaz1a wrote

I grew up in small town pa and am not at all surprised. Also like 80% of the state is small town pa.


PhillyPanda t1_jdenq4z wrote

2021 looks to be an outlier in PA specifically from the last 5 years, tho still an increase (109 incidents in ‘19, 101 in ‘20, 69 in ‘21 and 114 in ‘22). Still not a good trend, the surge seemed to happen in 2017 (not surprising), and now we’re right back there.

I sincerely doubt this captures even a small fraction of actual incidents.