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NonIdentifiableUser t1_je77ae3 wrote

Maybe now she can issue a directive that her officers actually enforce traffic laws.


aintjoan t1_je78yl9 wrote

And also don't violate them blatantly themselves for no reason. (Neither of these will ever happen)


craftyangie t1_je7c86j wrote

Yeah, I don’t know if they have the patience to wait 30 seconds for the light to turn. It seems almost mandatory for them to turn their lights on whenever they encounter a red (Only to turn them off right after crossing)!


atheken t1_jealhga wrote

The thing that makes me crazy about this is.. where are they in a hurry to go? They're literally just patrolling most of the time. I sorta get why someone wants to run reds and not wait, but seriously, if PPD are just blatant scofflaws, not sure why we expect better from anyone else.


RoverTheMonster t1_je7jkwx wrote

Weirdly rooting for her to come away from this thinking “damn, that wouldn’t have happened to me if my police force actually did something once in a while”