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BRMR_TM t1_jb5ni52 wrote

Currently, I’m not sure they care but let me tell you a story. Around 2009 I had a lease up in south Philly(15th and Tasker). One of my roommates who was a shitbag had a ton of personal stuff(mostly useless garbage he was saving for some reason) in the back part of our basement which I lived in. We helped him bag it up before we moved out and clean the house out in general. He and my other roommate decided the best way to get rid of it was go find an empty lot and dump it along with a couch no one wanted.

Well there must have been a piece of my mail somewhere in the garbage from my parents house back in Jersey and I got mailed a ticket for illegal dumping. Naturally the roommates told me to kick rocks because they “took care” of all the houses trash.

That roommate years later met a girl and got married, said girl was left 8 million by an elderly man she was a caretaker for and they balled out. Dude got divorced by her after about 2 years and is now said and miserable and deserves it for a number of shitty things he did while living in that house.