Submitted by DlnnerTable t3_11jym8f in philadelphia

I occasionally see cars pulled over the side of the road tossing a load of trash out through their door or window. It’s always bothered me but I never know what to do in those scenarios. The City of Philly website says if I see illegal dumping in action I should call 911 to report it. That sounds like a poor use of resources, but it recommends calling the non emergency 311 (or filling out a form online) for illegal dumping after the fact. The site says “a violation may be issued if appropriate and the dumper can be identified.” Am I wasting my time here or should I go ahead and report the vehicles tossing trash on the side of the road?



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hockeystuff77 t1_jb4vgld wrote

I’d say try it once and see what happens. Take a pic of it happening, note the license plate, draw a penis on it, and tell 311


Brraaap t1_jb4w5ww wrote

All police dispatching in Philly is done through 911, 311 is for getting other city services


ChooseYourStruggle t1_jb4xb29 wrote

They will not. However, I talked to a guy who works for the city because we had someone dump some shit in front of our house. He said you have to keep calling. Obviously won't do anything for the people dumping but to get it cleaned up, you have to harass them. Worked for us. Took 3 weeks of calling every 2 or 3 days and they finally came and got it.


enn_sixty_four t1_jb4z6cd wrote

"will the police do anything" let's stop right there. No. No they will not.


Fourlec t1_jb5334i wrote

Illegal dumping and littering are kind of different in my eyes. Illegal dumping is when a contractor dumps construction debris. Littering is when Joe Shmo throws a bag of chips on the ground. In my experience with illegal dumping, the cops did nothing. My neighbor and I had to take care of it ourselves .


ShanaAfterAll t1_jb54h8b wrote

I believe that this is covered in the story of Alice's Restaurant.


Fourlec t1_jb551lj wrote

Highly likely they won’t help you.

Your best bet is to just pick up the trash after they litter. Unless you want to confront them but in my experience that also can either go well or very poorly.


Raecino t1_jb57x85 wrote

Yeah had to bug them for several days to clean up my block which was covered in trash AFTER the trash men came threw and seemingly tossed ripped trash bags around without caring about the mess they were making.


DlnnerTable OP t1_jb5auc8 wrote

You’re probably right. I was hoping someone would have good news for me but oh well. And yeah I most certainly would never confront someone littering. Sounds like a recipe for getting shot


_mynameisclarence t1_jb5bf71 wrote

My comment came off dickish at you & that wasn’t the intention. My comment came from what is likely mutual dissatisfaction with the way this city is ran & responsiveness to taxpayer concerns / quality of life issues. Apologies.


omgahya t1_jb5cjwa wrote

Not really wasting time, you will definitely save yourself(or the property owner) a citation. If you remember the vehicle/plate, definitely report that also.

My cousin got a citation because some idiot dragged a bag of dirt/gravel and left it in front of her house. Instead of following the dirt trail around the corner to the house that was being demo’ed, City employee just decided it’s easier to ticket her instead.


mexheavymetal t1_jb5hsr5 wrote

If the question starts with “Will Philly police do…” the answer is no. These people are just wasting our tax dollars while the city drowns in violence while they do nothing.


DlnnerTable OP t1_jb5imbx wrote

Damn that sucks for your cousin. I hope he fought it and got it all figured out. Do you still think it’s worth reporting if it’s on public/city property? Just yesterday around Gerard and 40th I saw somebody open their car door and kick out half a trash can worth of garbage right into the middle of the road. I was stunned lol


javatrees07 t1_jb5mzkx wrote

I used to run through Manayunk and up into Miquon for training. Manor road was my hill workout. Once a week I would fins a small white pickup truck dumping tires into the woods. I finally memorized the license plate - then waited near the area in my car one day. Sure enough - tire dumper appeared. I took pictures of his activity then followed him to a Roxborough gas station. I showed the owner the video. That put a stop to that. Although I imagine they just found another dumping ground.


BRMR_TM t1_jb5ni52 wrote

Currently, I’m not sure they care but let me tell you a story. Around 2009 I had a lease up in south Philly(15th and Tasker). One of my roommates who was a shitbag had a ton of personal stuff(mostly useless garbage he was saving for some reason) in the back part of our basement which I lived in. We helped him bag it up before we moved out and clean the house out in general. He and my other roommate decided the best way to get rid of it was go find an empty lot and dump it along with a couch no one wanted.

Well there must have been a piece of my mail somewhere in the garbage from my parents house back in Jersey and I got mailed a ticket for illegal dumping. Naturally the roommates told me to kick rocks because they “took care” of all the houses trash.

That roommate years later met a girl and got married, said girl was left 8 million by an elderly man she was a caretaker for and they balled out. Dude got divorced by her after about 2 years and is now said and miserable and deserves it for a number of shitty things he did while living in that house.


SonnyBlackandRed t1_jb602z8 wrote

I say call local police district, report it and get the police report case #. Maybe let it sit for a few weeks, see if anything happens. When nothing happens, go to your local congress person's site and submit something about it with the police report case #. Then see what happens from there.

Edit: grammar


xphizio t1_jb610bl wrote

Yes if there's probable cause such as video of the offense. Anybody can write down a license plate and say "tHiS cAr dUmPeD." Witness testimony isn't enough by itself.


AbsentEmpire t1_jb61i25 wrote

You'd have better luck reporting it along with a picture of the vehicle preferably with plate, to 311 for illegal dumping. You can report online at the website or using the 311 app.


Capkirk0923 t1_jb6dc5j wrote

No. I reported a drug dealer who sits in front of my place 12 hours a day for months and they never showed up.


JohnDerek57 t1_jb6u5q3 wrote

Considering my Apartments parking lot had 8 car windows busted out last night and they never showed up I’m going to assume no.


UncleRico95 t1_jb6wldq wrote

police barley lift their dick up to take a piss


Crackrock9 t1_jb73hvz wrote

Ok so from what I’ve read from the initial thread and your comments, you are talking about ‘littering’ not ‘illegal dumping.’ Nobody’s gonna do jack shit cause some guy threw out a plastic bag of trash out the car. If it bothers you, clean it up. ‘Illegal dumping’ involves people leaving trash bags, couches, rugs, furniture, construction waste, tires exc. Stuff like that can be taken more serious, the cops might get involved if you do the leg work/have proof, catch them in the act. Someone will probably come to clean it up. But if you think somebody’s coming out to sweep some litter of your street….lmaoo


FishtownYo t1_jb7h6ta wrote

I got a few of the cheap versions at Harbor Freight for 3 or 4 bucks, amazingly enough after two years I’m still using the first one, but these things are great. People probably think I’m working off community service or something…


Astrostuffman t1_jb7ijfn wrote

Is it in Chestnut Hill, then yes. Otherwise, unlikely.


Pingpaul t1_jb8amkf wrote

I would call a ton and if it’s a big problem call multiple times a day


sidewaysorange t1_jbaks6t wrote

philly's response is that they will just come clean it up on tax payer dime but never do anything to prevent it. constant dumping under 95 and they come once a week to clean it out. would they ever think to patrol there? or use cameras to fine people. nah. too easy.