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RoverTheMonster t1_jcy7tr5 wrote

So why would they think you're "so fucking bad at parking it's actually hilarious"?


forgottentaco420 OP t1_jcy7z4i wrote

I’ll post a picture of the park job, but my nut ass neighbor just slashed someone’s tires for parking too close to the curb last week. It’s a lose lose.


becky269 t1_jcyrh3p wrote

Lmao slashed the tires for being too close to the curb, what?! 😭


forgottentaco420 OP t1_jcyso31 wrote

Yes!! I woke up in the middle of the night and my window was open, I heard a woman outside crying and telling the cops everything. The two tires on the side of the curb were slashed. We don’t know for sure who it was, but we have our suspicions.


thehoagieboy t1_jcyrsih wrote

How close were you to the other cars? Any signs you were ignoring?


forgottentaco420 OP t1_jcyscbq wrote

I pulled behind a car, who was parked just as far off the curb as me, and I definitely gave enough room. No one parked behind me until way later in the night.


thehoagieboy t1_jcytmxv wrote

I’d guess that another bad parker got the note then and placed it on your car to be funny. I’d do that myself, if I was a bad parker, which I’m not.