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LurkersWillLurk t1_jebd13m wrote

Sadly, the city Sheriff’s Office isn’t even much better


ScoutG t1_jebffg5 wrote

There’s a challenger running in the primary for sheriff. Michael Untermeyer. Seems unconnected to the current corrupt stuff that happens there. I’m voting for him if only to get the current group out.


ScoutG t1_jebfeka wrote

There’s a challenger running in the primary for sheriff. Michael Untermeyer. Seems unconnected to the current corrupt stuff that happens there. I’m voting for him if only to get the current group out.


MoreShenanigans t1_jebm5if wrote

What does the sheriff even do? I'm guessing they make sense in counties that have multiple towns and/or unincorporated communities, the sheriff can cover what the local police departments don't. But since the county = the city for Philly, what's the point?


Kodiak_85 t1_jebolca wrote

Transport prisoners, provide courthouse security, locate and arrest subjects with outstanding warrants and handle any civil law enforcement (like evictions normally, but not in Philly apparently.)


1up t1_jebprum wrote

Auctioning property to satisfy judgments is mostly what they with respect to civil judgment enforcement. They do kick people out of houses too but not for landlord/tenant evictions.


IFSEsq t1_jec4r2y wrote

The sheriff also handles eviction.