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t1_jcd7ym3 wrote

All we need now are some bright eyed police officers who will actually enforce the rules of the road.


t1_jcdalwc wrote

Without automated enforcement, or enforcement period, this will mean absolutely nothing


t1_jcdd2sd wrote

They should do the same for crosswalks and bike lanes. At least that’ll hide the blood stains.


t1_jcdgxmy wrote

This isn’t meant to be a “hot take” or anything but this is pointless.

No one tries to spend any extended amount of time in the right lane on Market west of Broad because of the buses and livery services. Nothing is going to stop the liveries from stopping and the far left isn’t really any better.

I don’t expect enforcement of any kind but if it WAS enforced, it’s really the kind of subjective call that police could use to single out people for arbitrary reasons. Are there concrete regulations in the statute that delineate when a passing maneuver is ok or at what distance from the intersection it’s ok to enter the right lane for a right turn?

Can’t read the article because of paywall but does it specify which blocks?


t1_jcdp7t8 wrote

Because it works so good on chestnut. I’d definitely rather have it than not but it’s questionable with how much it has done in Philly so far.


t1_jcdqft2 wrote

Something else to look horrible in 6 months. The asphalt doesn’t show the grime….this will make it glaringly obvious. Bad call.


t1_jcdsl5l wrote

I will say a bright color on bike/bus lanes does make me feel safer when cycling. I wish that at a minimum we could get full green paint on all of the bike lanes.

But yeah, I don’t really ride my bike in the bus lane even though it says it’s only for bikes and buses. It’s a defacto driving lane on Chestnut even where it’s fully painted because nobody does anything about it.

You could setup a literal single police officer to patrol the multi-block bus lanes and they would make a killing writing tickets…


t1_jce3gje wrote

The same market street with the “bike lane closed” signs that look like they should be covering a pothole but without flashing lights? Aight.


t1_jce4xc6 wrote

The red painted bus lane on Chestnut St makes traffic worse when waiting for someone to make a left turn. Which is crazy because I would drive in the bus lane to avoid this traffic.


t1_jce86mb wrote

Love when I’m doing some Uber driving and the very same people who are vocal about delivery drivers and drivers waiting for riders “blocking” the side lane and I just KNOW you’re the same people ordering the food I’m delivering or the very same people asking whats taking me so long to get to you in reduced lane traffic… You all use delivery apps and call Uber/Lyft for rides. Very few of you actually bike or scooter to get around. You applaud evil ass PPA cockroaches writing tickets and you applaud bike lanes and bus lanes. But most of you are in the back of an Uber right now as you downvote and come up with some smart ass rebuttal. Stay hypocritical out there!


t1_jce920v wrote

put a big wedge on the bus like those steam trains had for shoving cows out of the way


t1_jceyrks wrote

Seems somewhat effective in other cities, but Market St is literally next to the PPA offices there, yet people are parked in that lane every day.


t1_jcezmt4 wrote

So sort of the red carpet treatment for illegal parkers then?

In all seriousness, a good idea even if only a few oblivious drivers get the idea.


t1_jcf4jq8 wrote

You need automated enforcement for buses to snap an image of the car in the lane. That’s what nyc does. Have police officers pull over people in masse in center city will have a worse impact on traffic when they’re stopped to the side then just letting cars run free in the bus lane


t1_jcf8w0x wrote

Chestnut through center city is the worst. I actually prefer market. Cars double parking and honking at cyclists in the bus/bike only lane. People are driving through the densest part of the city and are surprised they are sitting in traffic? Take the damn train/bus or sit in the traffic you are causing.


t1_jcfaa53 wrote

No one will maintain them. The paint will peel and neither SEPTA or the City will repaint. Epic fail.


t1_jcfi3at wrote

This is a bad excuse man, when I drove DoorDash for a few weeks I made a concerted effort not to park illegally in ways I blocked traffic, because I know how much of a problem it is for other drivers. I get that it’s a grind to make money on those apps but no one is being hypocritical here


t1_jcfso7s wrote

Philly desperately wants to believe it can solve any number of problems passively.

You get clean subway stations by having a human being clean them.

You get clear travel lanes by ticketing and towing cars parked in them.


t1_jcft12u wrote

It might sound kind of silly, but the red lanes really do help get cars out of the way. You can feel the difference Especially When bicycling on this with your family. Cars can clearly tell that they are not meant to be on this Lane, so they slow down behind me instead of trying to run me over like other lanes.


t1_jcfvo5x wrote

Or. Hear me out. The city could just enforce the bus and bike lane rules. Like. Ya know. Write tickets and tow people that park in them. Just a weird concept. I know its out there. Maybe just try it out before dumping even more tax money into PAINTING THEM RED


t1_jcg9mrs wrote

They arent considering how slippery street paint gets when its wet... This is going to cause just as many issues as it solves


t1_jcguhab wrote

$800,000 for some road paint? Fuck me. I thought the city was incompetent. Turns out it's actively trying to waste money.


t1_jcnsz31 wrote

I’ve done over 4500 trips in the past 5 years cuz. I’ve been more vocal about it in this past year as things are almost fully back to reopened (for the most part) and people seem to be soooo surprised at the wait times, the traffic, and you’d be shocked at some of the screenshots I’ve taken of messages from impatient riders who seem to make you wanna perform some magic trick and just appear before their eyes.


t1_jcntl3h wrote

No one? Thats pretty incredible confidence you have. Nobody at all in here? Really? All of you ride bikes every day or take septa? Never ever drive or summon a driver? Never? Never ditch your bike cause its raining, snowing, too cold, too windy? Liars.