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Baron_Von_D t1_jbgdlqo wrote

Yep. Both the species and the risk of salmonella outbreaks with that size/type of turtle.


justanawkwardguy t1_jbhkaac wrote

For those unaware: reptiles bought at a store shouldn’t have any chance of salmonella. That’s more common in wild-caught animals, which these most likely are


Dashists22 t1_jbmhowa wrote

It’s very doubtful that they are coming from the wild. They aren’t very difficult to breed in captivity.


CulturalNothing t1_jbj28kp wrote

you linked to a canadian organization, i’m pretty sure red-eared sliders are fine to keep here (when bought from a legit source and not on the street of course)


Baron_Von_D t1_jbj6k8o wrote

Oop, grabbed the wrong link, but yeah it's still an invasive species.