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[deleted] t1_jbjtbgg wrote



sugr_magnolia t1_jbk489m wrote

I've been wondering the same thing while watching the ground level retail move out one by one over the last decade with no replacements.


bierdimpfe t1_jbkfrzc wrote

Before the Bridget Foy's fire (relevant only for dating purposes) every window had signs in it promising an "Heirloom" coming soon. I assume Giant bought out all the retail and then changed their minds.

I'm pretty sure there were "coming soon" signs for something else there too. Last I checked theyre plain signs now.


thecw t1_jbl4szs wrote

Giant was in a fight with PECO over who had to pay for certain electrical upgrades to support the store


bierdimpfe t1_jbl61bu wrote

TIL; thanks for that. I always wondered why it fell through.


nnp1989 t1_jbl4uw1 wrote

I read something recently about why Giant pulled out that I can't recall, but yeah, the whole deal is off for some reason.