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bigassbiddy t1_jd2i5zg wrote

I think it’s a good idea. Unfortunately I don’t think it will stop thugs who illegally possess guns.


31November t1_jd2ne1q wrote

Cutting the supply of legally available weapons would drain the supply for illegal weapons. It would take a while, but cutting the supply while also increasing the law enforcement efforts to seize from criminals the weapons would drastically improve the situation.

The main issue - mass shootings - doesn’t seem to be lead by Crips and Bloods. Grown ups shooting up night clubs or stores and teenagers shooting ip schools are the main problem, in my experience, that that average person fears the most.

If somebody can source a claim otherwise, I’m receptive to it, but I don’t believe criminals with weapons are the main drivers of firearms related deaths in mass shootings. It seems to me that the mass shootings that make the news are from otherwise law-abiding people who snap in some way.


bigassbiddy t1_jd2qhjq wrote

Mass shootings, though scary, account for a very small percentage of gun violence and fatalities. Take 2022 for example, there were a total of 20,138 firearm deaths (excluding suicide).

74 (0.36%) of those deaths were from mass shootings.

The media sure does a great job of highlighting the real issue.
