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tharussianphil t1_jbz7ciw wrote

I fantasize about breaking the mirror off one of those cars and biking away on a trail lol


PettyAndretti OP t1_jbzubzb wrote

As a fellow avid cyclist from EF, same. Driving or biking by the trail every day and seeing cars on the grass evokes a visceral rage with in me to the point that I want to damage one. My therapist says that I shouldn’t care but…


tharussianphil t1_jbzuma6 wrote

I honestly wouldn't care that much if you could actually make eye contact with the drivers and know that they saw you and they're waving you past. But it's always some fucking nissan altima with blacked out limo tint, but you can still see the phone screen in their hand through it!


mortgagepants t1_jc22ngf wrote

i would be fine if they closed one lane to traffic and let people park on the road. but that will somehow be a crazier suggestion than preventing people from parking on the grass.


lordredsnake t1_jc5itun wrote

There is ALWAYS parking available in Fountain Green. People are just too damn lazy to walk an extra 100 yards and have to wait for the light to change.


mortgagepants t1_jc6n37t wrote

ahh ok- i never pay much attention because i'm usually on my bike or on foot.