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FormerHoagie t1_jc0348x wrote

So, what change are you going to make? What will you do as a citizen of Philadelphia to make it better. I won’t accept Reddit comments as a worthy answer. I’m not talking thoughts and complaints, That’s pretty useless. What will you actually do?

Can you stop the gun violence, the homelessness and the out of control drug addiction? Many make it their lives work all across the country. What do you offer that would be different? How about other quality of life issues? Street Repairs, subway improvements, affordable housing, improved schools, reformed police department and crime in general? What is your plan and how to pay for it? I’m not even getting into the detailed stuff. I assume if you have answers to the major issues the rest will take care of itself. Remember, city workers are regular people, just like you. Some are great and some are horrible. They will fight back, refuse to work or just be generally shitty at their jobs. How will you change that. Which of these things are you going to take on and fix?


magellan315 t1_jc0fjl3 wrote

What do you mean by "Reddit" answers, answers are answers.