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H00die5zn t1_jctpeo8 wrote

Community is just trying to kill itself off at this point. This and a 15 y/o earlier in the night šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


[deleted] t1_jctt15k wrote

Why is there a hookah lounge on campus that caters to non students open so late?


tiswapb t1_jctv7ug wrote

Because itā€™s not on campus. Thatā€™s the issue that Temple struggles with as a whole. Its an open campus in the middle of North Philly. Most of the issues are just off campus or near off campus student housing a few blocks away.


[deleted] t1_jctwcsm wrote

I am intimately familiar with every nook and cranny of Philadelphia. Whether itā€™s on campus or just next to it, it is my opinion that this type of business should not be there.


go_berds t1_jctwf85 wrote

Jesus Christ man. If the city/state donā€™t get this area under control temple is in serious trouble


rollingstoner215 t1_jctwrve wrote

Just got the all-clear text from TU police; the notice about the shooting came in at 2:59 AM, and the all-clear came in at 11:12.


thereisnodevil666 t1_jctyezz wrote

People don't get shot driving? At house parties? At bars? Or are you one of those everyone should be home by 10 and things won't happen types? Death to third places will prevent shootings, right?

No one should ever be able to leave their house to chill after 9 pm, that'll limit shootings!


SnapCrackleMom t1_jctykqc wrote

Where should it be?

One thing that I think gets lost in the discussion of Temple safety is that everyone who lives in North Philly is just as deserving of a safe environment as a Temple student.


the_hoagie t1_jctzdru wrote

seems misguided to target the establishment as opposed to the people committing the crime. they have a right to be open and do business. hookah's popularity is wider than folks who shoot each other.


rossdowdell t1_jctzumy wrote

I just figured out something.

You typed, "Hookah is tobacco."

"A" hookah is a container that you heat up to smoke the contents.

You commented on this while completely ignorant of the subject.


Farleymcg t1_jcu0xcc wrote

They should have made main campus at Ambler.


rossdowdell t1_jcu2hk2 wrote

Vague question. I'm not sure what you're asking.

For all I know, this particular incident was just a random shooting that has nothing to do with the business. Hopefully more details are forthcoming.

But I'd probably avoid being near a hookah lounge at 3 AM in North Philly, if only because I value my life.


tiswapb t1_jcu48qd wrote

Unfortunately, I canā€™t find a provision in the zoning code that says businesses can only operate where SpauldingSmails18 allows it. Can you show me where that is? Iā€™ll pass it along to the property owner and weā€™ll get this all sorted right away.


Lunamothknits t1_jcu4fgw wrote

Literally nothing good happens after midnight. Go hooooome.


Ragoz t1_jcu518r wrote

Oh god that was perfect for a laugh. Thanks.

>claims to smoked other drugs out of a hookah

>gets asked how many people were shot in relation to that specific event

>That's a vague question!


rollingstoner215 t1_jcu6ew5 wrote

Oh I donā€™t know about the neighborhood, I just meant the school itself is in trouble.

Re: neighborhood violence, on the one day a week Iā€™m in the office, Iā€™m dismissed early ā€œfor my safety,ā€ to help reduce the odds I am hit by a stray bullet while I wait for the bus.


MedicCrow t1_jcu9md2 wrote

Just last year I used to live right on Susquehanna near the other end of the field. This is incredibly heartbreaking. I hope my former neighbors are physically alright.


GreenAnder t1_jcucmck wrote

I went to Rutgers Camden and Temple is so much worse itā€™s not even funny


kanye_come_back t1_jcudf9q wrote

There is a genuine perverse feeling of needing to be ready to stand up for yourself bc violence prevention is limited outside of Campus. Especially if you rely on public transit it now takes a spine to go to Temple.

I am lucky that I am a thick skinned, in-shape dude.


Edison_Ruggles t1_jcuvldc wrote

Principal tragedy here is the wasted EMT resources and the fear this puts into ordinary people. I'm numb to the rest of it at this point.


neurosci_student t1_jcv02kp wrote

Yup the 80s-90s was about the worst of it. Starting with the Sansom Common development in the 90s replacing the "dead zone" parking lots north of campus and then further development on the west side of campus in the early 00s things got better.


nolandeluca t1_jcv06q3 wrote

That hookah longue is hood af, I'm surprised it's still open


neurosci_student t1_jcv3oa0 wrote

Penn has cash - the endowment is like 20 billion. Temple doesn't, it's a state university. Penn will keep University City gleaming even if the city falls apart because they are the landlord for most of the area which allows them to be a pseudo-municipality by creating their own rules for land use. They own the property for several blocks around the university and lease it to developers that will meet their standards. This is on top of their security apparatus which is also well funded and about the same size as Temple. But you can't just police your way out of the problem - the thing that makes UCity safer is that its development and management allows Penn to operate much more like a campus than a city university.


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_jcv5p6w wrote

UPenn security is probably closer to double TUs now.

Back in 2010 they were about the same size but the current admin has been pretty adept at destroying various departments within the school and the PD/security is no exception.

TUPD recently said itā€™s at about 65 for staffing instead of the 115 or whatever that they had 10 years ago


vmtyler t1_jcvapeu wrote

We probably just need more guns in the state, right? Armed society is polite society amirite?



tiswapb t1_jcwd6ty wrote

Iā€™m not trying to say thatā€™s the solution, just commenting on how Temple is set up. Letā€™s be real, a murder happens right off campus, it makes headlines. A murder happens ten blocks away and it doesnā€™t. And we can all agree thatā€™s a messed up reality.

Itā€™s a complex problem in this city as a whole but also one that Temple uniquely faces that I donā€™t think any other school does. La Salle is pretty much gated. Penn just razed entire communities and built over it and now has Penn Alexander, a school meant for disadvantaged kids instead full of privileged kids and ensuring that the surrounding neighborhood property values shoot up. And Drexel pretty much has ridden on the coattails of Penn.


LowPermission9 t1_jcwf1wt wrote

Downvotes from people who would use your statements as legitimate talking points but who donā€™t like real world examples that call into question the validity of those statements.


Mcjibblies t1_jcwte23 wrote

Temple has the 3rd largest non-profit endowment in the greater Philly area. Over $300M in savings, over $900M in securities, $2.3B worth of assets without any donor restrictions.

When we all start to recognize that THEY are the problem, the shootings will stop.

Ohā€¦. You didnā€™t know this?! You didnā€™t understand that in the middle of poverty was billions of dollars where, literally a few hundred thousand could fix the problem?! Higher education is marvelous in this regard. Places where their students are taught dialectical materialism but they cannot apply it their own existence.


madcatzplayer3 t1_jcwzyzq wrote

I lived a block away from there in 2014, crazy. I would pass by that football field everyday.


pwopah_ t1_jcxyn87 wrote

My mom has said this to me since I was young. Being born and raised in Philly, whenever thereā€™s a news story about violence I always check what time it is first.

Obviously I donā€™t like folks getting hurt regardless of the time, but most most things do seem to happen overnight.


GreenAnder t1_jcyg951 wrote

Not sure about totally safe. Itā€™s safer sure, itā€™s also in district 1 which was never that residential.

Rutgers also has partnerships in the city and does a better job being a good neighbor than temple does. Philly is also very different then Camden, but there are still things temple could do much better.
