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AbsentEmpire t1_it4a7a0 wrote

Finally some good news about our dysfunctional city. I'm sure all those people on the block saying the bikes were legally owned when the cops impounded them will get that paper work to prove it any minute now.

Not shocking to hear that drug dealers who are responsible for huge amount of the gun violence in this city, where also running dog fighting rings, and ATV gangs.

Wonder if the PPD decided to get off their ass and go do their damn job in response to the news from the city auditor finding they suck at their jobs? Wouldn't be shocked if this is all they do for the next several months to crack down on the out of control crime; and they hold it up as the one example of them working when they get called out for sucking ass.


bizkut t1_it4vjua wrote

I'm going to guess it's more likely because an atv rider smashed a cop window the other day.

Wouldn't surprise me if this was related to that. They'll work if they're at risk.


K3R3G3 t1_it6d1zt wrote

At least how the article is written, and they definitely get stuff wrong so who knows, it sounds like the off-road vehicles were an unplanned bonus. It was the Narcotics division serving warrants.

If the windshield smash had occurred and they saw where the riders returned to then went to seize them as payback, I'd get it and say yeah.

But a windshield smash probably didn't lead to suddenly cooking up narcotics warrants. I don't see any connection there.

Unless they ID'd the vehicles, somebody spotted where they were stored, then they staked out the place, saw some drug deals occurring, then got the warrants, which is possible.


Sir-Jawn t1_it51ie8 wrote

It’s refreshing to see people support cops raiding criminals. 2 years ago this would have been considered oppressive or even racist. Glad to see normality might been closer around the corner than I thought.


a-german-muffin t1_it55915 wrote

I know it’s harvest season, dude, but there ain’t enough straw in the world for the army you’re trying to build.


Sir-Jawn t1_it5uf0t wrote

Just glad to see people support these types of raids. I’ll be a martyr and take the downvotes, I know it’s hard for people to accept.


bizkut t1_it55j85 wrote

This was very much a "Cops are only protecting their own" post.

This sub has been very "Pro stop the ATV/dirt-bike shit" for years. You're delusional if you think otherwise. Cops only seem to do something if it's their skin in the game. Oink oink.


Sir-Jawn t1_it5ukh1 wrote

If that’s the case I’m glad to see our interests are aligned. Shower me with downvotes, I’ll be the martyr for people’s reluctance to accept it.


Mister_Park t1_it6usgv wrote

FYI losing internet points with no value is not “being a martyr.” Words have meaning.


throwawaythedo t1_it6jzmq wrote

I don’t think the downvotes are coming from your opinion, but rather the “I told you so” dunking you’re attempting.


electricskywalker t1_it5hyzt wrote

I don't think anybody was sticking up for the drug dealers in Kensington. Shit, not even the drug dealers in Kensington stick up for the drug dealers in Kensington.


Unfamiliar_Word t1_it4djxs wrote

>Wonder if the PPD got off their ass to go do their damn job in response to the news from the city auditor finding they suck at their jobs? Wouldn't be shocked if this all they do and they hold up as the one example of them working when they called out for sucking ass.

I'd like to think that, because it would mean that we have an at least partially functional political system, which almost seems aspirational in Philadelphia.


a-german-muffin t1_it4dfrn wrote

It may be the cynical reporter in me, but this could easily read a bit like a "dope on the table" move—not that a bust like this isn't necessarily important or worthy in its own right, but it's at least in part a move by the brass to have something with a strong visual to demonstrate a win.


Philodemus1984 t1_it4f27i wrote

At this point I’ll take even the post perfunctory attempt by police to do their job


crispydukes t1_it6yfmw wrote

>Not shocking to hear that drug dealers who are responsible for huge amount of the gun violence in this city, where also running dog fighting rings, and ATV gangs.

We knew it when that video went viral of the ATV guy pulling the gun at Broad and Washington


MUT_is_Butt t1_it8ny5g wrote

Hey to be fair that was only like a year ago. Investigations take time /s


SonnyBlackandRed t1_it78tof wrote

>Wonder if the PPD decided to get off their ass and go do their damn job in response to the news from the city auditor finding they suck at their jobs? Wouldn't be shocked if this is all they do for the next several months to crack down on the out of control crime; and they hold it up as the one example of them working when they get called out for sucking ass.

I think it takes a little more time then a few days, since that report has been out, to come up with this type of search and seizure. However, I think we'll take anything they do as a win since they haven't been doing much. That report should've come with an immediate resignation from Outlaw.