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z7q2 t1_it3gsyy wrote

Seconded. Harry's has been around for 100 years now.


WunkyFinkerbean t1_it3i3a2 wrote

Is it still open? I haven’t checked it out in years!


napsdufroid t1_it3wip5 wrote

It's now called Harry's World and is far more commercial/new age-y than it originally was. Its selection of books is way smaller now, too.


WunkyFinkerbean t1_it42csx wrote

Boo! As a good Catholic boy in the 80s, I used to go there to get severely creeped out by the occult books.


napsdufroid t1_it43o4q wrote

Oh, yeah. The original Harry's was for serious occult people. Used to have a real mummy in the window.