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kcvngs76131 OP t1_isor4j2 wrote

Hopefully with the energy everyone brought, NBC sports will do the fan fest here again in the future. I'd love it if fox sports did something similar with Bundesliga, since they're the ones with rights to air German games in the US. I hope it comes back so you get a chance to attend!


jaybay830 t1_isoxp7p wrote

Buli is on espn this year (edit which is annoying bc they don't show any games on their networks, all espn plus)


kcvngs76131 OP t1_isozuhd wrote

Ah shit, I didn't realise that. I typically use a VPN and watch with one of my German friend's accounts with their provider lol. I knew that they had it in the past, and I just assumed it was still the same


jaybay830 t1_ispar7f wrote

I'm just annoyed because espn jacked up their price and the espn app isn't supported on my TV (LG - flush mount so rather not have a roku etc... Real 1st world problems!)