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barchueetadonai OP t1_iufdo7i wrote

So is there no way to write people in separately? I'm afraid of writing two people in the box when it clearly was poorly designed for that.


Soft-Tangelo-6884 t1_iuffqdy wrote

It’s together. You’re also better off voting for the best person and then lobbying your state senators and representatives about ranked choice voting.


barchueetadonai OP t1_iufgvuc wrote

The loudest voice is in money, which I can’t overpower anyone with. The second loudest voice is with voting. Incumbent state senators and representatives have the opposite incentive from pushing for ranked-choice voting.


oliver_babish t1_iuggo31 wrote

no one's going to notice your write-in vote for (not-Gritty).

You have to decide between defeating Doug Mastriano and Believing You're Making A "Point".


barchueetadonai OP t1_iughs8c wrote

Well then, I’ll ultimately go with the priority of defeating Mastriano because I’m not the fuckhead you’re trying to make me out to be