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TJCW t1_isy2dyv wrote

There may be issues/conflict of interest with voting on tax abatement as it benefits him greatly


MathisBrothers t1_isy2nps wrote

Fair point, but the article raised none of those concerns. It literally talks about his “rags to riches” story. It’s a breathless article talking about how interesting it is that this guy bought a bunch of property and then sold it or rented it out for a fortune.


TJCW t1_isy30ex wrote

Maybe they don’t want to highlight it as he would prob be a decent mayor. I thought it mentioned how much money he saves per year in abatement.

There also may be a risk that he gives sweetheart deals to Starr or developers… But he’s better than Kenney!!


ColdJay64 t1_isyil7i wrote

I think he'd be a great mayor. What creates real estate demand? Safety, population growth, and a business-friendly environment - so even if he is acting with self-interest, we all win. He supports police, actually understands business and economics, and wants oversight of the community anti-violence groups we throw so much money at... while every other mayoral candidate proposed just giving them more:

He also proposed that city council officially declare Kensington an emergency earlier this year, and said he would do it if elected. No one else has mentioned this.

I'll probably be repeating the above a lot because I think it's more than enough reason to vote for him. I haven't seen him make any delusional statements showing a disconnect from reality like other council members, or make any ludicrously stupid decisions. Rhynhart seems good too though.


TJCW t1_isy3hu6 wrote

Also, how would tenant disputes be with a tenant going up against the mayor?