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mmmagic1216 t1_itma026 wrote

WHY have a mobile option that isn’t linked to the Septa Key?! How does this make ANY sense?!!


courageous_liquid t1_itntuqo wrote

I think the idea is that it serves two separate usergroups - tourists can use this system and not have to physically get a septa key. That gets them access to bus, trolley, and subway, and if they need to get on the RR they can use cash/card on the train or buy single-trip tickets at a kiosk.


LP788 t1_itnxwgp wrote

That may be right. But if SEPTA’s goal is to get ridership back to or close to pre-pandemic levels, its priority needs to be to make the system more friendly for the commuter.


courageous_liquid t1_itogkz0 wrote

Commuters should already know how a septa key works and now that it works on regional rail, it's never been easier.

Service is almost back to where it was - not quite, yet, but getting better.