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sjm320 t1_isadfv7 wrote

>one on Front St.

About ten years ago, my friends and I went to that one. We were just handed the gun, given no instructions, and no eye protection. My friend took one shot, the bullet ricocheted off of the concrete in front of us and hit another friend in the elbow.

He said that it felt like someone smashed his arm a bunch of times with a baseball bat. He was bleeding all over the place and an employee came over and handed him a single container of Neosporin before saying, "Make sure you give that back to me."

I can't imagine why that place closed...


Beer_Is_So_Awesome t1_isafsay wrote


My friend and I rented a Glock 19 there one time. He and I both had prior shooting experience but were given no instruction or supervision beyond “have you ever shot a gun before?”

It must have been poorly maintained, because it kept jamming.

Fun times!

I had much better experiences at the Archery and Gun Club.


sjm320 t1_isagyfy wrote

It was truly wild. I should also note that only one of us (out of six total) had shooting experience, which makes that situation all the more nuts.