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lordredsnake t1_is8r4wm wrote

u/GreenAnder 's comment is a good explanation of the machinations behind that outcome. But on a practical level, the judge set it at 170k because people in PA have a right to bail except for in the case of capital crimes (his convictions were not) and/or they pose an immediate threat to public safety. The latter seems clear with 20/20 hindsight, but at the time he was convicted we didn't have Precogs proving that he was going to go out and shoot up a school. Million dollar bail can be argued as denial of bail (because it's meant to be) and a violation of civil rights.

This judge attempted to balance the constitutional right to bail with risk to public safety and the judge judged wrongly here.


GreenAnder t1_isadvbn wrote

My general point is that people think this is all the DA when it isn't, but this is also a major area of complaint with Krasner. It would be very easy for him to get on TV and explain this, but he doesn't. It's not the guys policies that are the problem, it's him and his ability to get along with people and explain things to the public.


lordredsnake t1_isaznsy wrote

Agreed 100%. His retail politics are atrocious and it undermines his stated mission.