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[deleted] t1_itw0shx wrote

Nobody is arguing that there wasn’t a confrontation. There absolutely was, and Mumia shot and killed Faulkner.

The question with Mumia is whether or not you view a man shooting a cop who was attacking his brother as self defense or murder and whether you believe Mumia’s accounting of the incident. I honestly don’t know where I come down on this, but the question here is whether self-defense can possibly be applied against a police officer.


1up t1_itw2zkw wrote

>The question with Mumia is whether or not you view a man shooting a cop who was attacking his brother as self defense or murder and whether you believe Mumia’s accounting of the incident. I honestly don’t know where I come down on this, but the question here is whether self-defense can possibly be applied against a police officer.

That is not the question. Abu-jamal maintains that someone else shot Faulkner and he was framed for the murder. Not sure where you got the self-defense stuff, but it is wrong.