Submitted by naitemercy t3_y508n3 in philadelphia

Basically, I've briefly lived in Philadelphia before. In early 2018, I had a bad manic episode from my bipolar/schizoaffective issues being neglected and took a Greyhound out there with the last of my money. I figured I was homeless anyway, I might as well go through that somewhere...for lack of a better word..."better."

I did appreciate the culture and how people believed I didn't deserve to just die because I have problems. I was also overjoyed at how my activism was still treated as valid even though I am poor and disabled, etc. I did not like the places I had to live while I waited for my SSI benefits, though. They were spaces intended just for the mentally ill.

I also had trouble finding the right medication combo. I grew super frustrated and went off all my meds and ended up living in and out of wards for a while. Once I was moved to a residential rehab recovering from my psychotic break, I doubted my decision to start a new life.

For whatever reason, I grew nostalgic for the city I was born- particularly the university I dropped out of over a decade ago and the surrounding area. As soon as I started to receive benefits, I begged my parents to help me come back to Albuquerque. For a multitude of reasons, this was mostly a terrible mistake and caused me further trauma.

A few months ago, I did get help through the system here into a beautiful apartment. A real one. I feel like it would almost be wasteful to abandon the place I worked hard to obtain. At least right away.

Here's the thing, though: I don't have many real friends here in Albuquerque. I am much more loved by several people I met in Philadelphia. I feel like I should make it a point to go where I am celebrated and there will be more happening for me besides simply housing. It's also easier to get around without a car there than it is in Albuquerque.

One thing that might keep me in New Mexico for a while is the education situation. Several colleges are completely free here. I don't know if my status as a disabled individual would grant me a scholarship of some sort in Philadelphia or not.

I might see how I even do at this point, get some credits down and find out if they can be transferred to somewhere in Philadelphia after I save up a bit of money.

Now that I have SSI, am on medications that work for me, and am in a better headspace to make decisions/participate in life, it would be possible to afford rent a room at a house with a friend who is rather special to me.

I basically would love to come back to Philadelphia someday, but not if it means sacrificing my access to higher education. I never thought I'd be in the position to go back.

TL;DR-- Does anyone know if I would somehow be able to afford college in Philadelphia? If yes, what would that entail? Are any of the schools out there free in some way like is the case here in Albuquerque?



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alittlemouth t1_isgye06 wrote

>I might see how I even do at this point, get some credits down and find out if they can be transferred to somewhere in Philadelphia after I save up a bit of money.

Definitely do this! Never a good idea to make an enormous change after only a couple months of stability. Get yourself established, make sure that stability lasts, then consider a cross-country move.


naitemercy OP t1_isgz86n wrote

Thank you for reading all that. I do miss Philadelphia and there's more out there I want to get involved in than here, but I need at least 8 months to save up to afford the move anyway. Sometime next year, I was at least going to talk to a guidance counselor and fill out a FAFSA. I am sorry if I made it seem like I was thinking of just moving on a whim again with nothing saved. 😅 I guess I'll just re-evaluate how I feel after those months have passed and I have the resources gathered.


rovinchick t1_isgzlgr wrote

Maryland has tuition waiver programs for those receiving SSDI at their community colleges, but I'm not aware of a program like that in PA. Baltimore is a lot like Philly, though.


naitemercy OP t1_isgzupe wrote

Interesting. I will bear that in mind. Thank you!


Paparddeli t1_ish3h0a wrote

If you move back, you may run into residency issues trying to get in-state tuition (it's one year for CCP). But more importantly, don't underestimate how big of a benefit you are getting with that free education in New Mexico. For many people, college loans are an albatross around their necks for much of the rest of their lives preventing them saving money and buying a house - it's easy to ignore how much you'll have to repay and for how many years when you are taking out the loans.


naitemercy OP t1_ish3y6t wrote

I would never take out a loan. If it's not freely given or paid for with grants/scholarships, then it's not for me. I guess that settles it. I'm likely to stay in New Mexico until I finish my degree. Thanks for the insight!


Paparddeli t1_ish4gzu wrote

That's smart! I'm not saying loans never make sense (especially for people who are getting degrees where they know they'll have a good salary), but just trying to give some perspective from someone who's still dealing with their own loans a long time after graduating and talked to a lot of people who've had it a lot worse.

Maybe something will work out for you to move to Philly and get an education for cheap. It doesn't hurt to ask questions/poke around. Good luck!


delijoe t1_isipuju wrote

Why is this getting downvoted so much? Shameful.


naitemercy OP t1_isismnq wrote

I have my guesses. I think someone is hate watching my account, for example. I would love an explanation, though. Thank you for saying that.


WHO_POOPS_THE_BED t1_isj49yq wrote

People get really angry about accessibility questions, like the thread where someone was asking for a black female doctor so they could feel more comfortable and be taken seriously was heavily downvoted and the comments amounted to teenage boy scoffing and "huh?"


naitemercy OP t1_isj6erv wrote

Oh, I see. I was super confused what exactly is offensive about me wanting to better myself by finally furthering my education, plus I said nothing but nice things about Philadelphia. Shame on whoever scoffed the person looking for a doctor who is a good fit.