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baldude69 t1_iy3inxp wrote

I’m not a new resident, but I just moved my home yesterday. Woof, moving sucks


heyitskaitlyn t1_iy3pk9s wrote

Looking for an apartment complex recommendation in rittenhouse square or fairmount / spring garden area. Open to other neighborhoods. So far, we have lived in units within bigger houses or townhomes and looking to have the amenities for an apartment. We have 2 dogs so needs to be dog friendly. We are both young professionals.


crystal0001 t1_iy3pzpj wrote

I was content with my apartment until wanting a dog, falling in love with one, and then being yelled at by my landlord for asking him what he thought about me getting a dog. Very sad, the dog was so sweet. Anyways, I’m considering a new spot. What’re y’all’s experiences with dog policies for rentals?


aintjoan t1_iy3se8f wrote

Ask up front and be polite. If they don't allow dogs, you can politely ask if there is anything you could do (pay a larger pet deposit, show proof of training, etc). If they say no, just move on. You may have better luck if you look at small house rentals rather than apartments.

Please do NOT become one of those people who abuses the emotional support animal rules to force a dog into a building that doesn't allow them. Respect that owners and other renters alike may prefer not to have a dog in their building either for reasons of allergies or not wanting to listen to a dog howl all day long.


Mundane_Werewolf7945 t1_iy3zy04 wrote

Just moved here for college. Trying to set up free English classes to the public. Where do I go about finding a room or class that I can reserve and use and open to the public? Preferably free and accessible.

Thank you.


ana1flute t1_iy43yte wrote

I received an offer to work at Vanguard, and would like to live in Philly and commute to Malvern. From what I've seen people typically recommend Manayunk or Conshohocken for new grads - what would you guys recommend? And how different is something like Conshohocken from downtown Philly?

Also, any ideas as to what the commute length would be like?


crystal0001 t1_iy4evxt wrote

I agree with you 100% about not pursuing the emotional support route- a couple of my friends suggested it and I wouldn’t wanna cause issues with my landlord or threaten him with some ethical dilemma. I was just hoping to get a furry companion. Thank you for the advice :)


uni-student-2020 t1_iy4ituo wrote

I’m going to be moving to somewhere in/near Center City next May from the other side of the country. I won’t be bringing much outside of what can fit in boxes; it’ll just be my desk, a couple speakers, my bed, and a bike.

Logistically speaking, would it be easiest to use PODS to get my stuff shipped to their location there and then hire movers to help go from there to my apartment?


Bobby_Manual t1_iy4mbmx wrote

I live in north Philly and commute to malvern everyday. The commute is hellish by car, but doable using SEPTA, especially if Vanguard offers a shuttle from paoli train station.

The commute is a lot better from Manayunk. About 30 min in the morning and probably 40~1hr in the afternoon.

Personally I find Manayunk to be more fun while conshy is a bit more family oriented.


Brahette t1_iy4q9ws wrote

Apt complexes and big managed buildings will have pet policies written out specifically that they can't sway from. Individual landlords have more flexibility. I've had multiple dogs and never had an issue with renting - for private landlords, I usually negotiate a pet deposit, pet rent, or both.


Chimpskibot t1_iy4txe6 wrote

Personally, no matter where you live the commute will be hell unless you live near 276 or on the mainline/Chester county. Even taking the R5 (paoli/thorndale line) to malvern, the campus is nearly a mile away and there are no sidewalks to get there. If you did decide to take transit you would have to live in or around center city. Driving is going to suck because of 76. It’s an okay employer but not convenient for living in or around Philly.


SubjectMindless t1_iy59eo0 wrote

Hi, all! Looking to relocate from NYC to Philly in April. In NYC, they always require first and last month’s rent and a deposit (same as rent). Essentially cost of rent x3.

This may be silly, but is that common in Philly too? I’ve tried googling, but with no luck.



NotCandied t1_iy5l415 wrote

Is it bad form to make an early reservation at Charlie was a Sinner if you’re just planning to get a couple of drinks before you have dinner elsewhere?


bebepls420 t1_iy5ngty wrote

My partner and I are strongly considering a move to philly! Only issue is that we’d really like to get out of suburbia, but he would need to be on-site in King of Prussia 2 days a week… I’ve heard 76 is awful and he’d really like to commute on public transit.

Are there any areas in or around philly with non terrible commutes to KoP that are less suburbany? So far we’ve looked at Conshocken and are trying to figure out West Philadelphia/Overbrook Park


isotope_322 t1_iy61rde wrote

Fun fact, it’s actually illegal under state case law for landlords to ask for more than two months of security deposit. Relatively new ruling in 2019. Doesn’t mean it’s enforced.


DallasSocial t1_iy81afe wrote

I will be moving to Philadelphia from Dallas, TX in 12-15 months. I’m a realtor focused heavily on residential investment real estate and new home buyers. Are there any websites or podcasts that you recommend for me to starting learning about Philadelphia development? I’ve searched online, but haven’t found much on Google.


courageous_liquid t1_iy8jz8f wrote

I was commuting to the mainline from south philly by car (so only like 2 exits on 76) and wanted to die and resolved to ditch my car entirely.

A commute from to KOP from Philly proper is brutal. Conshy is a good bet. If you want to be closer you could try roxborough.


SayLessThanYouKnow t1_iyds9oe wrote

Manayunk vs Center City

I am moving to Philly around New Years. Mid 20s man.

After months of looking online and many tours, I have a location I like in Manayunk. It's affordable, cozy, and near Main St. I also have some family in the area. One of my largest priorities is to meet people and get a social life. I wouldn't like to go out 5x a week, but I like that Manayunk has a lot of young people and bars.

However, on a (6 year old) thread I read that Manayunk has a very "just out of college, bro-like" environment, which I read as a negative. I'm also looking at a list of the best bars/places to dance in Philly, and they are ALL in Center City. This "new" information (I only gave the non-Manayunk parts of Philly a cursory examination before zeroing in on Manayaunk) has me a little flustered. I guess what I'm looking for an answer to is:

  • Is Manayunk really an OK place to socialize? Do people tend to be obnoxiously bro-like?
  • Is Center City significantly better social scene than Manayunk? Is it inconsequential, because I can just spend 30 minutes on a bus to get there?

I am new to Philly, and I've only just started exploring Manayunk. I know almost nothing about the other neighborhoods of Philly. Honestly I would just like reassurance that Manayunk is a solid choice- I don't want to go through months more of searching when I'm 1) desperate to move out and 2) most of the way through the application process.


fahfard1 t1_iye8qr7 wrote

Honestly, and this isn't what you want to hear, but maybe consider Center City. I live downtown and really love it. I'm not familiar with Manayunk, but have the same impression that you picked up from reading about it.

Truthfully, that 30 minutes on a bus is annoying and will keep you from doing things. If money is what is making you think Manayunk over CC, include also the money you're spending on getting back to Manayunk via Lyft/Uber after the bars.

You're going to be spending good money either way, why not live around all of the things you want to live around?

Edit* - Put more plainly, having lived in Center City and having met lots of people around the area and other spots in Philly, I don't think I've ever heard anyone suggest going anywhere in Manayunk for anything.


Brahette t1_iyek7x7 wrote

I lived in Manayunk 2013-2016 (late 20s/early 30s) and just moved back last year (mid/late 30s) - I love it. It used to skew bro a lot more in previous years but it has grown up a lot because the residents that live here have grown up. Yes you still have the St. Joe's college students and they will be concentrated the closer you get to Main St. I lived right by the Manayunk train station before and got some of the riffraff but it never bothered me. Now I live on the west side of Manayunk and love this area SO much - it's close enough to walk down to Main St, but far enough to leave Main St at Main St. My immediate blocks are a mix of lifer old heads, post grads, singles, and some families. We have a group of girls late 20s-late 30s that formed a little group and we get together often. In terms of things to do, Manayunk has a great mix of neighborhood bars to a few upper scale restaurants, and everything in between. There's boutique shopping, the Manayunk Development Corp is EXTREMELY active and there are major events throughout the year, you've got the tow path, the bridge that connects you to the Cynwyd Trail, and you're close to the Wiss. Regional Rail is a super easy 20min ride to Center City and there are buses too. In terms of dance clubs, most of the old clubs have since closed down but there are places that have live music (Grape Room) and I think the Brewery still does dance nights sometimes.

Always happy to chat Manayunk, so let me know if you've got any other questions!