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TheBSQ t1_iwvse5x wrote

Genuine, non-facetious question…

Do the policies about not conducting traffic stops over minor infractions make this issue worse, or is the ability to exploit the system with phony tags separate?

Like, if you changed traffic enforcement policies to pull over anyone with a temporary tag, can they actually check the legitimacy of the temporary tag, or can PA LEOs just not check out of state temp tags with their systems period, so it wouldn’t really matter if you stopped them or not?


[deleted] t1_iww8cm2 wrote



AbsentEmpire OP t1_iwwnsr0 wrote

Way past time that laws were changed and updated.


[deleted] t1_ix0ie8u wrote



AbsentEmpire OP t1_ix5ndv7 wrote

Unless the patrol cars are equipped with plate readers and are able to automatically flag cars that have fake plates.