Submitted by LBITruckee t3_yrnng4 in philadelphia
Proper-Code7794 t1_ivujbn6 wrote
Nothing says I love the environment more then putting organic matter in a trash bag then in another trash bag
LBITruckee OP t1_ivujg2h wrote
In defense of the green bags, they actually biodegrade fairly quickly. The ziplock…not so much.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivukh2a wrote
Not sure is go that far…this city has a lot worse
LBITruckee OP t1_ivulgak wrote
There are about 6-7 bags there each time I go. Why even take the time to pick it up at that point?
Edit: why would this get downvoted. Lol
Guess people don’t like being called out.
GreatWhiteRapper t1_ivullni wrote
Dogs just have had it ruff lately on this sub.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivuls0c wrote
Agree. The one about dogs not being allowed in coffee shops etc…
But this isn’t the dogs fault…this is their shit owner.
GreatWhiteRapper t1_ivulyi8 wrote
I did it for the pun.
But yes I agree I hate people who bag the shit but then can't be assed to take it to a trash can.
muffpatty t1_ivup9wm wrote
While we are on the subject, don't put your shit bag in my empty trashcan on trash day so I have to smell it in my yard all week when the bag breaks. I don't have a dog. Dispose of your own pets shit or don't own a pet, you fucking animals.
Edit: probably downvoted by an entitled dog owner
sarahpullin8 t1_ivupnb6 wrote
It makes no sense. It’s better to just leave the shit so it washes away, instead of a bag. Those bags also become little poop bombs that ppl step on.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivuq2cf wrote
I thought it was funny, but it was also true.
which_witch_ru t1_ivuqzy4 wrote
Frickin RUDE
Devin1405 t1_ivuylf3 wrote
This...but my recycle bin. Ugh.
Ng3me t1_ivv3k0g wrote
You’re just as bad as them, really. A “no dog” park is so kids don’t have to play in your dog’s shit.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivv3vpf wrote
bUt WhAt AbOuT tHe ChIlDrEn?!?
Ng3me t1_ivv4n2j wrote
BuT WhAt AbOuT mY dOG!1!!?
LBITruckee OP t1_ivv61jv wrote
He is better than most kids in this city.
[deleted] t1_ivv64cf wrote
LBITruckee OP t1_ivv67kq wrote
Hard to disagree sometimes
LBITruckee OP t1_ivv6dlm wrote
Some dog owners suck
Ng3me t1_ivv72uh wrote
And you’re more selfish than most. You’ve got a social order you’d like people to adhere to (poop bags) but a literally city ordinance enforcing a social order (no dogs) isn’t something you think is worth following. That’s pretty selfish.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivv7q8t wrote
Obviously you have never been near this park….but yes, get upset over something you know nothing about. You’re adorable.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivv8vh3 wrote
Yes, I agree completely. It wouldn’t be so bad if people just cleaned up properly after their dogs and threw it out in the trash
gatitosforever t1_ivv91nv wrote
the city really needs more public trash cans
ILaikspace t1_ivvb2rb wrote
I’ve come to understand it doesn’t have to do with having enough trash bins it’s having too many trash people
SammieCat50 t1_ivvblmu wrote
Or those who don’t even bag it
Ng3me t1_ivvc72h wrote
I know the park. It’s full of dickheads walking their dogs.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivvcr6d wrote
Should see it now. So many dogs. Running around and happy. It’s glorious!
SBRH33 t1_ivvdqe0 wrote
Dog shit bags are biodegradable.
Doesn't mean leave them all over the place as the the dog owner that does that is a dickhead.
IntoTheMirror t1_ivvgs2e wrote
I just don’t get it. Who do you think is gonna come around and get that for you? Because the answer is nobody. I have a park trash can on my walking route that the poop goes into. I know I’m just a dumb animal, but at least I pickup after my dog.
Proper-Code7794 t1_ivvhktd wrote
they are inside of a trash bag??? where are you putting these "biodegradable" bags into?
Proper-Code7794 t1_ivvhxa9 wrote
but where are you putting these bags? into another bag?
SBRH33 t1_ivvk1wy wrote
Understand how landfills work.
Raecino t1_ivvkt6t wrote
[deleted] t1_ivvkvcv wrote
Raecino t1_ivvkxli wrote
Agree 100% fuck them! It’s also ALWAYS the people who just moved here (around my way anyway), zero respect for the neighborhood and their neighbors.
Raecino t1_ivvkzax wrote
Cuz they’re a moron. I would collect those bags and drop them on their front steps.
RustedRelics t1_ivvl29c wrote
What’s your proposed alternative? Just leave the dog shit everywhere? Carry it in your hands? I get that bag-inside-bag isn’t great, but what’s a better option?
Raecino t1_ivvl3il wrote
Hopefully the shitty dog owners will leave with you
Finger_Gunnz t1_ivvm13j wrote
Technically they did, they just didnt clean up after themselves….which some would argue is worse.
[deleted] t1_ivvm1i9 wrote
As long as they don’t follow me
No_Potential_6641 t1_ivvopby wrote
They bagged the doggo offerings. If that's rude to you your priorities are off. Do better.
ZiiKiiF t1_ivvqps5 wrote
But they didn’t throw them away. That’s the rude part
malkith313 t1_ivvspjt wrote
I've noticed tossing the bags into the street seems to be a growing trend too
Miserable-Effective2 t1_ivvu4or wrote
Yes and not those dumb trash compacting ones either, no one wants to touch the handle to open it so trash just piles up on top of the stupid thing.
generally-mediocre t1_ivvy7bc wrote
theyre the real pieces of shit in this photo
The-Waffle-Man t1_ivvzvuu wrote
Surprisingly common to find. As someone with a dog I’ll find people bagged their dogs shit but can’t be asked to carry it with them to the trash. It’s like they’re saying “well I did enough.” Idk. Maybe I’m half the problem since I’ll grab it and throw it in the trash since it’s already bagged.
which_witch_ru t1_ivw0npr wrote
The poo itself is not rude, its the human who left it. Why bag it and tie it just to leave it, I wonder 🤔
No_Potential_6641 t1_ivw2xo4 wrote
Not needed. Doggo feces are part of the earth and very much a natural fertilizer
joeheller22 t1_ivw5a3u wrote
The worst are the people that just deposit it on the sewer grate
stressncoffee t1_ivwabv8 wrote
People suck! At my last place, one morning I walked outside and there was like 10-15 bags of poop on the stairs to the porch… I have no idea what we did wrong
blodreina_kumWonkru t1_ivwapu6 wrote
Lol not on a block of concrete it's not
_whatthehell_iswater t1_ivwcstf wrote
Only psychos go through all the effort of bringing a poop bag, using it and then not throwing it in a trash can. Prove me wrong.
_whatthehell_iswater t1_ivwcy78 wrote
I’m convinced only psychos do this.
_whatthehell_iswater t1_ivwd5ay wrote
These psychos needed to be called out
Edit: for past tense
Dickenstein69 t1_ivwd6p3 wrote
Lol then why even go through the effort of bagging it if they are going to do this? Leave it to nature instead of polluting the environment.
_whatthehell_iswater t1_ivwdbgp wrote
People just need to accept walking with poop bags until they get to their homes or find a public trash can. That is part of the responsibility of owning a dog.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivwdm2u wrote
_whatthehell_iswater t1_ivwebnx wrote
LOL. Thank you for calling this behavior out. It drives me mad!
gatitosforever t1_ivwhmzw wrote
I'm not disagreeing with that, I just think it's frustrating you can walk for miles without seeing a trash can
_whatthehell_iswater t1_ivwhyyp wrote
I agree with that too!
sippycup21 t1_ivwptc9 wrote
not only did i leave my dog’s shit on the ground, i made sure it won’t just wash away with the next hard rain.
Zealousideal_Boot827 t1_ivwr9uz wrote
Is that Cohox?
[deleted] t1_ivxyxq3 wrote
[deleted] t1_ivxz3k0 wrote
YourMooseKing t1_ivy1hkc wrote
And they have trash cans at that park
Homegrownfunk t1_ivy2vhg wrote
Singular persons who place their bag of poop in my full recycling bin
[deleted] t1_ivy9lh4 wrote
The_Prince1513 t1_ivyhht2 wrote
It's really mind boggling. There's like three separate trash cans in the other area of the park you have to walk through to leave, one of which is literally right next to the exit of the park.
People are just lazy.
enn_sixty_four t1_ivylirj wrote
Allemaengel t1_ivyloq3 wrote
I work as a municipal park manager outside Philly and even with doggy waste bags and multiple trash cans provided, people still do this or worse, sling them to hang in the trees and bushes for me to clean up.
Just the way some people are, unfortunately.
Owen_Citizen_Kane t1_ivypekc wrote
Proper-Code7794 t1_iw1s5mq wrote
Don't have a dog if you don't have a yard
Proper-Code7794 t1_iw1s71e wrote
Not only do I understand actually took courses in college about how they work and putting fecal matter in double layers of plastic is probably the most inefficient and methane-producing thing you can do
SBRH33 t1_iw2b0pf wrote
Lol. Sure you did.
With a response like this, it is clear "yer full of shit"
RustedRelics t1_iw42j3h wrote
While I agree on this in principle, it’s not a solution to the issue as it exists in the here and now.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivuj0c6 wrote
This park is suppose to be no dogs. However, I totally get why it’s a great place to bring them and I bring my own from time to time. There is literally a trash can as you leave the park. Just throw your dog’s sh*t away. This is trashy and why we can’t have nice things.