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liquidbluenight t1_iy2d3i7 wrote

Pretty sure transporting weed (in any form) across state lines is still a federal crime, but IANAL.


Bestueverhad10 t1_iy2q4qy wrote

Bringing it home? On a flight? By car? I think it only applies to flower. For flights, I’ve just taken edibles out of the original packaging and put in checked baggage


Alpacalypse84 t1_iy2ybr2 wrote

If you’re worried about it, buy a packet of plain gummy candies, empty it, and put your edibles in that package and tape it shut.


Hipsterskumm t1_iy3ah4k wrote

I brought 10 packs of edible hard candy back from Seattle. Put them with your trail mix and jolly ranchers.


BearPhilly t1_iy3eplz wrote

Just get D8. It's federally legal
