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BigShawn424 t1_iy5y1jf wrote

Shooting at the wawa at 34th and Market and a shooting on civic center boulevard and university ave.

And the below comment


BertSquirggles t1_iy5z4t9 wrote

Its right over my house with the search light


WeJustDid46 t1_iy5zxwo wrote

Just another shooting in the City of Brotherly Love.


NonIdentifiableUser t1_iy60duk wrote

Absolutely ridiculous. There’s thousands of people coming and going right now through these intersections. I swear these clowns now are so fucking brazen. I don’t recall this many shootings in heavily trafficked areas in the past, they just DGAF anymore. Probably teenagers.


JawnMadden t1_iy61oq8 wrote

Not watching the news, but there was also a 2-car accident on 76 southbound in the left most lane right where the 676 off-ramp merges onto 76 about 30 minutes ago.


QuadrupleCompound OP t1_iy61p68 wrote

The link I put in the other comment had a live video of the crime scene—nothing happening when I last checked, just cops talking to witnesses. Seemed like the video was from the helicopter


trashtrucktoot t1_iy6592b wrote

UPenn alert said all clear but I don't know. I'm gonna stay inside just in case. The copters are still flying around.


wooderisis t1_iy674g3 wrote

>Authorities say a man was making deliveries and left the car running with his 4-year-old inside when the suspects jumped in and took the vehicle.

Not the driver's fault that people suck ass or that childcare in this country is out of reach for many people, but COME ON.


morry32 t1_iy67b4i wrote

keep going you almost there my friend


those are numbers, do you not think crime doesn't exist everywhere? Everything is in relation to something else, I am going to assume you don't want them arresting people before they commit a crime, right?


lemmingsagain t1_iy68sws wrote

They found both the child and the vehicle.


trashtrucktoot t1_iy69tx1 wrote

I've lived in W.Philly most my life, teenagers scare me the most. I've three 'situations' and they all involved teenagers. Also, I was once a teenager so I understand their mentality.

A baby copperhead s ake is more dangerous than an adult because it doesn't have restraint on how much venom it injects. An adult will bite you multiple times if needed. ... or so I was told as a kid.


IntrovertedGiraffe t1_iy6gzgs wrote

There was a hostage situation after a robbery in KoP too, so tons of helicopters in the suburbs all day as well


ColdJay64 t1_iy6hk4m wrote

Saw this on Twitter:

"SHOTS FIRED at 34th & Market St at the Wawa. No injuries reported."

Crazy that people can't handle the existence of a convenience store.

Edit: it was a road rage incident and the person was arrested


watwatinjoemamasbutt t1_iy6k6hv wrote

Was it a shitty looking black Hyundai? Asshole almost ran over me as I was leaving work and subsequently ran 2 stop lights. Of course no headlights.


violetauto t1_iy7qq6l wrote

This makes me think we should have a huge symbol on the roof of our car - easily seen from above


Darius_Banner t1_iy7s1jd wrote

That said, and regardless of crime, what kind of moron leaves their car running when they go inside? My 4 year old would immediately start messing with the controls, and I don’t think people appreciate the exhaust either


ratmoustache t1_iy7tvrd wrote

They’re just not paying attention, when stealing a vehicle they don’t check for occupants, tire pressure, make sure the all the turn signals and brake lights are working properly. They just bail if there’s a baby in it, they do t want the heat


porkchameleon t1_iy8aw14 wrote

How many were there? I just had at least three buzzing around really low for quite a bit not two weeks ago, happens regularly now.


DiegoSancho57 t1_iy8uqcw wrote

Been in jail with people this has happened to. Can confirm. Definitely an accident 😂. Also was in their with someone who was on Xanax and thought he was getting into his own car at the gas station cuz he had the same one. Makes sense to me. I’ve done that shit. If the keys were in the car and it was a push start I prolly really would accidentally drive off.


dc122186 t1_iy966ym wrote

LOL you think someone who is negligent enough to leave their child in an unlocked, running car in Philly really has that kid strapped into an appropriate child seat?