[deleted] t1_iy5y4oe wrote
sandwichpepe t1_iy5yikx wrote
and a stolen vehicle with a child in it too. given the location of the choppers it’s prob for the kid
JawnStreetLine t1_iy5yl78 wrote
Thank you. I came here to ask the same and…damn.
[deleted] t1_iy5ym2h wrote
JawnStreetLine t1_iy5yxyw wrote
Oh shit, also a carjacking with kids and guns in the car 15 min ago at 52 and Walnut. They’re looking for the vehicle now. Ffs.
[deleted] t1_iy5z0vj wrote
[deleted] t1_iy5z21d wrote
BertSquirggles t1_iy5z4t9 wrote
Its right over my house with the search light
hjeff51 t1_iy5z8ir wrote
this makes sense. there are currently 3 helicopters sweeping over the hood around 50 walnut.
WeJustDid46 t1_iy5zxwo wrote
Just another shooting in the City of Brotherly Love.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_iy60duk wrote
Absolutely ridiculous. There’s thousands of people coming and going right now through these intersections. I swear these clowns now are so fucking brazen. I don’t recall this many shootings in heavily trafficked areas in the past, they just DGAF anymore. Probably teenagers.
Soft_Nuggs t1_iy60y5e wrote
Do you have anymore info on the Wawa shooting or a link?
morry32 t1_iy61jqe wrote
>Probably teenagers.
based on what?
morry32 t1_iy61mx6 wrote
that can't be true or the helicopters would be everywhere all the time?
JawnMadden t1_iy61oq8 wrote
Not watching the news, but there was also a 2-car accident on 76 southbound in the left most lane right where the 676 off-ramp merges onto 76 about 30 minutes ago.
QuadrupleCompound OP t1_iy61p68 wrote
The link I put in the other comment had a live video of the crime scene—nothing happening when I last checked, just cops talking to witnesses. Seemed like the video was from the helicopter
NonIdentifiableUser t1_iy61q5n wrote
Not that any criminal is a genius or shows restraint , but teenagers seem to have even worse impulse control and probably shoot people wherever.
WeJustDid46 t1_iy62e3z wrote
They are. There are shootings in the City of Brotherly Love every day, all day long.
[deleted] t1_iy652mh wrote
trashtrucktoot t1_iy6592b wrote
UPenn alert said all clear but I don't know. I'm gonna stay inside just in case. The copters are still flying around.
nankles t1_iy65d9w wrote
Also a car stolen with a kid and 2 guns inside
morry32 t1_iy65hor wrote
but what is that based on?
teenagers make it sound like a crime of happenstance, what if its mothers and grandmother? Changes a bit doesn't it?
morry32 t1_iy65mit wrote
so you really believe that?
how many equals "every day all day long" because that ain't no metric for changing shit
WeJustDid46 t1_iy65z7u wrote
I guess the truth hurts.
WeJustDid46 t1_iy667yh wrote
We are at 332 days in 2022. There have been 400 homicides in Philadelphia so far this year.
WeJustDid46 t1_iy66fbj wrote
Today is day 332 in 2022. There have been 400 homicides in Philadelphia so far this year. Down vote this fact.
wooderisis t1_iy674g3 wrote
>Authorities say a man was making deliveries and left the car running with his 4-year-old inside when the suspects jumped in and took the vehicle.
Not the driver's fault that people suck ass or that childcare in this country is out of reach for many people, but COME ON.
morry32 t1_iy67b4i wrote
keep going you almost there my friend
those are numbers, do you not think crime doesn't exist everywhere? Everything is in relation to something else, I am going to assume you don't want them arresting people before they commit a crime, right?
WeJustDid46 t1_iy68p0t wrote
Crime does exist everywhere, however, you are more likely to be a victim of crime in Philadelphia than you are if you live in Downingtown.
McCooms t1_iy68pdy wrote
It’s based on who is doing the majority of the shootings in the city. Why is that a problematic speculation?
lemmingsagain t1_iy68sws wrote
They found both the child and the vehicle.
exercisejeans t1_iy68x5f wrote
What tools do you use to get up-to-the-minute info like this? I've tried to find a police blotter but haven't found anything that seems to work
Running1982 t1_iy6920v wrote
Citizen app maybe?
JawnStreetLine t1_iy69oi1 wrote
I use Citizen app, though I turn the alerts off and just open it when I’m looking for details about something. Those alerts will turn you into a hermit.
trashtrucktoot t1_iy69tx1 wrote
I've lived in W.Philly most my life, teenagers scare me the most. I've three 'situations' and they all involved teenagers. Also, I was once a teenager so I understand their mentality.
A baby copperhead s ake is more dangerous than an adult because it doesn't have restraint on how much venom it injects. An adult will bite you multiple times if needed. ... or so I was told as a kid.
[deleted] t1_iy69usz wrote
PhiladelphiaPhreedom t1_iy6af6d wrote
Here for the user name
exercisejeans t1_iy6ahah wrote
Agh yeah ok. I really don't want Citizen for the exact reasons you described, but might have to cave. Thanks.
lemmingsagain t1_iy6alzl wrote
[deleted] t1_iy6b18r wrote
WeJustDid46 t1_iy6embw wrote
You poor, poor, people, you cannot even see the writing on the wall.
JawnStreetLine t1_iy6f008 wrote
Right on. Go birds 🦅
IntrovertedGiraffe t1_iy6gzgs wrote
There was a hostage situation after a robbery in KoP too, so tons of helicopters in the suburbs all day as well
ColdJay64 t1_iy6hk4m wrote
Saw this on Twitter:
"SHOTS FIRED at 34th & Market St at the Wawa. No injuries reported."
Crazy that people can't handle the existence of a convenience store.
Edit: it was a road rage incident and the person was arrested
watwatinjoemamasbutt t1_iy6k6hv wrote
Was it a shitty looking black Hyundai? Asshole almost ran over me as I was leaving work and subsequently ran 2 stop lights. Of course no headlights.
[deleted] t1_iy6lwb9 wrote
WeJustDid46 t1_iy6lzd4 wrote
You must be agreeing with mu statement because your use of a double negative proves I’m right.
GreenAnder t1_iy6macj wrote
This isn’t true at all, the cities have more ppl but you’re statistically safer than other areas that have more crime per capita
John_EightThirtyTwo t1_iy6nld6 wrote
HappilyPartnered t1_iy6o1bb wrote
Not these days Big Shawn. Shootings don’t make it.
morry32 t1_iy6opo5 wrote
shit i didnt realize people were going around telling everyone their age, my bad
morry32 t1_iy6osqr wrote
go on and tell me why what you said wasn't racist?
WeJustDid46 t1_iy6r5d1 wrote
Actually, I am very liberal. You bringing up racism, must have a guilty conscience. Good bye.
jamin_g t1_iy6u43f wrote
As much as we have a crime problem, the last 3 times a car was jacked with a kid, the kid (and car) were returned safe.
imanAholebutimfunny t1_iy6u68b wrote
what is there a grand theft auto simulation being run right now.........
PorcelainCeramic t1_iy6ws1v wrote
How’s that for a nightlight?
FasterThanTW t1_iy6xvx4 wrote
lol at the krasner simps downvoting crime statistics
[deleted] t1_iy6xyfo wrote
Unpopular_couscous t1_iy6ydtu wrote
Maybe if more people have guns it'll stop? /s
[deleted] t1_iy727rh wrote
emet18 t1_iy72lk4 wrote
Maybe if we let more criminals go it will stop? /s
K3R3G3 t1_iy74zux wrote
The stolen vehicle with the 4 y/o inside was a black 2019 Honda CR-V
violetauto t1_iy7qq6l wrote
This makes me think we should have a huge symbol on the roof of our car - easily seen from above
Darius_Banner t1_iy7rvor wrote
Badly traumatized, no less. Imagine how pathetic you’d have to be to see a kid and continue with your carjacking p
Darius_Banner t1_iy7s1jd wrote
That said, and regardless of crime, what kind of moron leaves their car running when they go inside? My 4 year old would immediately start messing with the controls, and I don’t think people appreciate the exhaust either
ratmoustache t1_iy7tvrd wrote
They’re just not paying attention, when stealing a vehicle they don’t check for occupants, tire pressure, make sure the all the turn signals and brake lights are working properly. They just bail if there’s a baby in it, they do t want the heat
thirst_annihilator t1_iy7u2hd wrote
ah ok well no harm no foul
daregulater t1_iy7uz18 wrote
Dude read the newspaper or watch the news.
[deleted] t1_iy7x0ca wrote
drunk_funky_chipmunk t1_iy80mpu wrote
Because of murder
ColdJay64 t1_iy82bwp wrote
Unpopular_couscous t1_iy84jsf wrote
Or, just hear me out! Maybe we defund public schools even further and ban abortions and then it'll stop /s
porkchameleon t1_iy8aw14 wrote
How many were there? I just had at least three buzzing around really low for quite a bit not two weeks ago, happens regularly now.
morry32 t1_iy8cuos wrote
what would that reveal?
airjordano t1_iy8nl8r wrote
I second the exhaust comment, but a 4 yr old should be able to reach any controls when sitting in the rear in a child car seat.
[deleted] t1_iy8rn9t wrote
DiegoSancho57 t1_iy8uqcw wrote
Been in jail with people this has happened to. Can confirm. Definitely an accident 😂. Also was in their with someone who was on Xanax and thought he was getting into his own car at the gas station cuz he had the same one. Makes sense to me. I’ve done that shit. If the keys were in the car and it was a push start I prolly really would accidentally drive off.
dc122186 t1_iy966ym wrote
LOL you think someone who is negligent enough to leave their child in an unlocked, running car in Philly really has that kid strapped into an appropriate child seat?
Darius_Banner t1_iy9v5v1 wrote
Kids can get out of car seats
airjordano t1_iy9wc4p wrote
No, but neither does the person who's comment I replied to apparently lol
ColdJay64 t1_iyacymm wrote
Update on the 34th and Market shooting - it was a road rage incident and they arrested the person.
BigShawn424 t1_iy5y1jf wrote
Shooting at the wawa at 34th and Market and a shooting on civic center boulevard and university ave.
And the below comment